>That's a burden to businesses, not a benefit.

Many people are not going to buy if there is no purchase protection. Seller having to pay a fee to provide purchase protection is fine for seller if it increases his sales significantly.

>Cash doesn't give you "purchase protection".

If I buy in a shop, I get to investigate the item I want to buy before I pay.

>exactly what GNU Taler is supposed to be

I am not sure, you are right.
I think gnutaler would want you to use their payment system to buy items from shops on the internet. If not that would limit the distribution of the use of gnutaler. Again why I think gnutaler should have
a purchase protection service.

>If you trust a business little enough to not be willing to give cash to them, then don't give cash to them.

Which I do not. I do not buy, if I do not get purchase protection. I think a lot of people behaves like me. What I say is, it would be a mistake to introduce gnutaler, not having a gnutaler purchase protection service ready, because the lack of a gnutaler purchase protection service will limit the number of
gnutaler users significantly.

>take your money and run would be an illegal

This assertion is the result of your chain of arguments. You say, gnutaler should be nothing more than a service similar to cash. Only use gnutaler, if you would use cash. That is where I disagree what gnutaler should be. I think gnutaler should be a payment service, you would select to buy items from shops
on the internet. Which requires a purchase protection service.

>not what GNU Taler is designed for.

If that is correct, I think gnutaler has made a mistake. For the beforementioned reason.

>from internet shops

When I wrote about items bought from a shop on the internet, it was implied, the items would have
to be shipped to the buyer.

>course that would change it.

I do not know exactly what pieces of information Stallman resents to give a shop on the internet, if he buys an item. I know it is the surveillance part, he resents. I assume, he will not inform seller about financial data and address, because he does not want seller to be able to have a record on him on these data. I also think, Stallman does not want seller to have a record on what he has bought. About items which have to be shipped, Stallman will have to inform about his name and address. And of cource seller will know what he has bought. That is why I think Stallman
will not use gnutaler to buy items from shops on the internet.

>he can ask for the package to be delivered to a friend's mailbox

If you use another persons name and address, you stop sellers survaillance and profiling of you. But the person, who is the proxy, gets subject to the surveillance and profiling. That may have unwanted consequences for the proxy person. You should not ask another person to be a
proxy regarding any major part of your shopping on the internet.

>e-books and music files

Regarding all kinds of data and media files, gnutaler would be very good. Will seller be allowed to sell media files paid by gnutaler? Maybe not. I think surveillance of the buyer is an important part of the concept of selling media. The owner of the media may want to be able to identify who is using the media they sell. In that case, gnutaler payment is not going to be
accepted by those having the rights to a given piece of media.

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