> I have some feedback below, I hope some of it will be useful.

Thanks for your detailed feedback.

> The order in which I am listing my issues is not by how much they
> bother me, but aims to make this more readable. My worst headaches
> would be 1 · 9 · 15 · 17 · 22 · 23.

I will start be looking into these ones then.

> Issue no. 1: Control Center → Hardware → Displays → Monitor
> preferences → "Monitor: Unknown", "Detect monitors" does not detect
> monitor. Resolution is at 1280×1024 px and Trisquel doesn't let me
> increase the horizontal and vertical pixel count over the values of
> 1280 and 1024, respectively. I was using a 1680×1050 px monitor going
> by the name of "HP w2207h" when I tested this. Trisquel 7 failed even
> worse in that it stretched a low resolution across the width of the
> screen most of the time, very noticably distorting the ratio; only
> rarely and seemingly randomly would it sacrifice screen real estate in
> favour of a good ratio, the way Trisquel 9 seems to do.  For
> comparison, Tails detects everything just fine. I suspect HP is to
> blame.

Tails ships with non-free firmware, so it could be that your graphics
card requires non-free firmware to be properly detected.  Can you please
tell me what graphics card you have?

> Issue no. 9: Trisquel 9, like many other systems, has one-click
> selection: If you right-click somewhere, for example on the desktop, a
> menu opens, and whatever menu item you happen to be hovering over will
> get selected as soon as you release your right-click, just as if you
> had clicked on this item. I would very much like an option to switch
> this off, because when I release my click, I must be super careful not
> to inadvertently be hovering over something I don't mean to select,
> like "delete", "wipe", "move to trash", "format", "launch rockets"
> etc. I want the first click to just open the menu, and a second click
> (or key press) required to select something from it.

Can you not just right click and release immediately, and then move your
mouse to the option you want to select or click elsewhere/press Esc to

> Issue no. 15: When focus is on a window that has a text menu bar on
> top, pressing the "Alt" key will show underlines under those letters
> whose keys can be used together with the "Alt" key to select that menu
> item. (In languages that use the Latin alphabet, the underlined letter
> is usually part of the menu label, i.e. pressing "Alt" will result in
> an underline appearing under the letter H in the menu item "Help",
> which means that you can press Alt+H to select the Help menu.
> Non-Latin translations often have a separate Latin letter next to the
> word for this purpose.) But the underlines only show when you press
> Alt; and even then, they only show with a delay. This slows down the
> user. I would like underlines to show permanently, either in whichever
> window currently has focus, or in all windows, always.  Perhaps also
> implement such underlines for Trisquel's main menu. This could be done
> either manually (only for the most common programs, e.g. in Main menu
> → Office, "LibreOffice Writer" gets the W, "LibreOffice Calc" gets the
> C etc), either by you or by enabling each user to do this; or it could
> be achieved by having Trisquel automatically assign each item a
> letter, not necessarily the first letter but preferably one that
> hasn't been used in the same menu to avoid having the same letter used
> three times like in LibreOffice's English menus.  The trend of
> interfaces lacking or hiding away "navigation by underlines" (because
> they're ugly and enigmatic to new users?) is near the top of what
> bothers me in software generally. If you open about:preferences in
> Abrowser, you get underlines which don't even work, at least for me
> they don't. They've been sitting there for a long time, laughing at
> me.  Vanilla Firefox also has them. Oh, and the text doesn't wrap. I
> really want to trade away all the forced eye candy (of software in
> general of the last 10 to 15 years), throw in Mozilla's dumbed-down
> settings menus for good measure, for some keyboard-friendliness and
> "overwhelming" settings menus.

Some of this might be outside the scope of what we have the resources to
address.  Issues regarding accessibility in individual applications,
such as the Firefox stuff, are probably better off filed with the
developers of those applications.  If the issues are addressed upstream
we can backport the fixes.

> Issue no. 17: It is not obvious to me how to enable non-Latin input**
> using a Latin-only keyboard, something that just works out of the box
> in Tails, for example.
> **) Using Trisquel 7, I managed to get an IME to work, I think it's
> Nabi, and I used another one in an earlier Trisquel, but I don't know
> yet how all this works, e.g. whether and how Nabi, SCIM, IBus etc.
> depend on each other or are alternatives to each other. Settings menus
> felt unresponsive, so at times I didn't know if a particular setting
> just didn't work (wouldn't be the first time) or if I was in the
> settings of the completely wrong program. A Japanese IME in particular
> was bothersome because depending on something, it would either assume
> a Japanese QWERTY keyboard or support my Latin but non-QWERTY
> keyboard, switching back and forth between the two in a seemingly
> random fashion.
> I tried all of the following, to no avail:
> 17 a Control Center → Other → IBus Preferences → Input Method → Add
> "Arabic", "Russian", "Japanese" or whatever suits you. (Is Korean not
> listed because it's not supported?) → Nothing seems to happen.
> 17 b Control Center → Other → IBus Preferences → General → Check "Show
> icon on system tray". → Nothing seems to happen.
> 17 c Control Center → Language support → Language → Keyboard method
> input system → Choose anything. → Nothing seems to happen.
Have you tried Control Center -> Keyboard -> Layouts?
> Issue no. 22: "Lock screen" starts a nice screensaver but does not
> "lock" anything in the sense of preventing access. Pressing any key or
> moving the mouse is enough to "unlock" it.

How are you locking the screen?  Ctrl+Alt+L?  

> Issue no. 23: I have not checked how Trisquel 9 handles this, but in
> Trisquel 7: Suppose Trisquel offers you some available updates. Three
> of them are urgent security fixes that prevent your computer from
> exploding, while ninety-seven others seem to be about localizations of
> LibreOffice that you will never use. But all 100 come checked, and you
> must individually untick the checkbox next to each item that you don't
> want. You cannot use "Ctrl+A, Space" to untick all and then only tick
> wanted ones; and navigating and unticking individual items by keyboard
> (arrow keys, space) is a hassle, because every (un)ticking causes your
> system to have a very short unresponsiveness which means that simply
> pressing "Space, ↓, Space, ↓, Space, ↓, Space, ↓, Space, ↓, Space, ↓,
> Space" results in some items being skipped over and others getting hit
> doubly. Fun!

Upgrading all packages is by default is the expected behavior.  Partial
upgrades are probably not a good idea.  If you only want to receive
security updates and not other kinds of bug fixes, you can disable
etiona-updates in Software Properties.  If you don't want all of those
LibreOffice localizations installed, you can uninstall them.

> ⸻ I think some of the above may boil down to a case of me just not
> liking Mate all that much

Yes, it seems that some of these things are a matter of preference while
others are actual bugs.  I would like to be able to address all of your
feedback, but I'm afraid that we are going to have to prioritize and
focus on the most important parts at this time.  Trisquel development is
currently done by three people, none of whom have a very large amount of
time to donate.  Can you please state the bugs your consider to be most
significant here,[1] keeping in mind that we can only do so much with
the resources we have?  Thanks.

[1] https://trisquel.info/en/issues/26430

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