>Have you ever tried it with Debian main?

Yes, sorry, I forgot to list Debian. I used Debian – vanilla I think – for some months. That was so long ago I don't know which version it was, but I think it let me use the monitor's native 1680×1050, and I'm fairly sure I was using the same graphics card and monitor as now.

>Are you able to boot into a live Debian ISO?

Let me check. I greatly appreciate your effort to help me; would you please tell me whether you would prefer to look into this BEFORE or AFTER you finish and properly release Trisquel 9? If it's the latter (i.e. there's no rush), I'd delay trying out a live Debian ISO until after I've used the live Trisquel 9 (which I'm currently using) for some more time. I don't want to take your time away from getting out Trisquel 9, but if you think solving my problem might somehow benefit Trisquel 9, I'll gladly do what I can.

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