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Excellent point. In fact, the Hubbard quote reminds me of the Biblical claim that certain people are born to be haulers of wood and drawers of water, which is only true if you prevent them from doing anything else. Women's plight has been much the same.

Besides, Hubbard never prevented women from becoming executives in his orgs, nor insisted they make time to raise children. So why this selective misogyny?

I can just Imagine the outrage if some religious leader tried to claim that men's only roles were to fight wars and do manual labour to support their families, and that only women were equipped for leadership in academia, politics, science, and finance.

On 6/20/2012 7:24 AM, Martin Foster wrote:
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On 20 June 2012 04:12, Glen Strathy wrote:
Notice too how he presents his bald-faced opinion as if it were fact - thus avoiding the need to present any real facts.

Hi Glen - very true.

The "normalized"Hubbard's logic was bound up in expansion of the Church.

He rejected classical logic and persuaded his followers to also reject classical logic and accept his Data series

The result was that he used ad hominem (Appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason) in many of his "sermons"

He used positioning in the same way politicians use it.

The PTS/Sp, and Ethics tech is filled with ad hominem and similar fallacious statements which his followers slavishly follow.

You will notice that Dennis promotes "Logic" and explains why some reject Logic.

He says, "Logic is the science of reason. I only mention it here because of the fact that as games become progressively more compulsive with a being his behavior becomes progressively more illogical. Also his regard for the subject of logic itself steadily lessens, until he eventually considers the subject to be both useless and incomprehensible. Thus, a person in a highly charged games condition will have a terrible time trying to study logic; he will endlessly burn the midnight oil trying to grasp even its most fundamental axioms, then, failing, will refute the whole subject."



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