The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi David,
I only get to get on 2 or 3 times a week and catch up on all the
postings.   So may have missed many.  I don't remember reading your intro
to the group.  Would you please refresh me.

Thank you in advance.


On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 2:05 PM, David M. Pelly <david.pe...@hotmail.ca>wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> I had first wrote this up and posted it on Ifachat and thought it would be
> good to post it here too:
> Here is the root cause of the mass killings.......
> (I quoted LRH  from Science of survival and put it below my post.)
> The psychos who are doing the murders are mostly second and third
> generation children who are products of the hippie mothers and the like of
> the 60's . Conceived in conditions of perversion, hedonism, drugs, alcohol,
> negative ethics and morals.  Two and three generations of deterioration.
> What is going on today and especially beginning in  the 50'a and  60's,
> with women participating in man's world is analogous to Nero  fiddling
> while Rome burns.
> In the wake  of the recent massacre in Colorado,  it's the result of women
> leaving the  home and playing in man's world while America is
> deteriorating and massacaring itself and going down the downward spiral,
> (the toilet bowl effect) with increasing
> schitzophrenia, perversely bred and emotionally unnourished children,
> while it argues to defend it's hedonism, vices, supidity, ignorance,
> insanity and freedom and right to do so.
> A nation, a society  is only as sane and stable as it's mothers, homes and
> families.
> All our problems are the result of unGodly breeding and lifestyle
> practices.
> Hubbard truly knew the root cause of the problems of the person as is
> evident in his writings.
> A nation will decay and destroy itself at a rate directly proportional to
> the numbers of mothers leaving the home and care of children and men
> and competing with men in their world.
> Some women think that they are going to go out and save the world while
> leaving the home, children and men to the vain whims of hedonism and
> doest  what thou will do.
> That is very shallow, short sighted , mindless thinking.  In fact it is
> backward thinking.
> Hubbard said those who seek such pleasures will experience unpleasant
> effects.
> The shootings are some of the unpleasant effects.
> I guess it is actually  the ultimate unpleasant effects.
> It used to be said that behind every successful man there is a successful
> woman.
> Today for all practical purposes we have  no successful women.
> For everything genuine there is a perfect counterfeit.
> The successful career woman and the successful business woman is a
> counterfeit, a phoney, a deluded, misguided woman.
> This is not misogyny.
> This is for the love of women, children  and  preservation of humanity.
> Using the Hubbard chart of human evaluation as a measuring stick, pretty
> well everyone in the USA  is very low in column "P" on that chart.
> Somewhere around 1.1 and lower.
> Hubbard could of done better by including the essence of the article
> (below), more specifically, more clearly at
> the appropriate tone level  in the column in "P";  attitude towards
> children.
> Something like "neglect of children".
> That should be in 1.1, maybe even lower at 0.5...apathy.
> But he makes up for it in column "S" at 0.5  ...  (not thinking).
> This "modern" woman insanity  has spread throughout most of the world by
> contagion.
> A lie repeated enough times becomes a stable datum, but a false stable
> datum.
> The only true successful woman is a successful wife, mother and homemaker.
> Woe be on to the nation who does not heed this data.
> We are only as good as we have been bred and brought up.
> We are products.
> You have a problem with the product, check the factory, not the product.
> I even question if these so called people have a soul, never mind a
> thetan?
> I think it  is just GE.
> David
> From Science of Survival:
> Quote:
> The whole future of the race depends
> upon it's attitude toward children; and a race which specializes in
> women for “menial purposes”, or which thinks that the contest of
> the sexes in the sphere of business and politics is a worthier
> endeavour than the creation of tomorrow's generation, is a race which
> is dying. We have, in the woman who is an ambitious rival of the man
> in his own activities, a woman whom is neglecting the most important
> mission she may have. A society which looks down upon this mission
> and in which women are taught anything but, the care of men, and the
> creation of the future generation is a society, which is on the way
> out. The historian can peg the point where a society begins it's
> sharpest decline at the instant when a woman begins to take part, on
> an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since
> this means that men are decadent and the women are no longer women.
> This is not a sermon on the role or position of women: it is a statement
> of bald and basic fact. When children become unimportant
> to a society, that society has forfeited it's future. Even beyond the
> fathering and bearing and rearing of children, a human being does not
> seem to be complete without a relationship with a member of the
> opposite sex. This relationship is the vessel where in is nurtured
> the life force of both individuals, whereby they create the future of
> the race in body and thought. If man is to rise to greater heights,
> than woman must rise with him, or even before him. But she must rise
> as a woman and not as today she is being misled into rising as_
> man. It is the hideous joke of frustrated, unvirile men to make women
> over into the travesty of which men have themselves become.
> Men are difficult and troublesome
> creatures- but valuable. The creative care and handling of men is an
> artful and beautiful task. Those who would cheat women out of their
> rightful place by making them into men should at least realize that
> by this action they are destroying not only the women but men and
> children as well. This is too great a price to pay for being “modern”
> or for someone's petty anger or spite against the female sex.
> The arts and skills of woman, the
> creation and inspiration of which she is capable and which – here
> and there in isolated places in our culture- she still manages to
> effect in spite of the ruin and decay of man's world which spreads
> around her, must be brought newly and fully into life. These arts and
> skills and creation and inspiration are her beauty, just as she is
> the beauty of mankind.
> End of quote
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