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I think you are doing something positive by spreading TROM.

I also think Occupy Wallstreet was an attempt to create win-win solutions, by working for solutions through consensus, giving everyone a voice, and not letting anyone get too much power. Certainly, the world was not ready to switch to a new system overnight. But if everyone waits for the world to be ready it never will be.

Just spreading good ideas will eventually have an impact, I feel, because most people at their core would rather live in a world that is pro-life. Stress, anxiety, and trauma can interfere with that goal, but healing those things may put us back on track.

On 7/26/2012 6:19 PM, Pete Mclaughlin wrote:
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Hi Glen
   Good Point, the reason Hitler came to power was he had many willing 
followers. So what would have happened if some really good guy like Jesus 
Christ were in Germany and ran against Hitler.  He would have lost because the 
people wanted a strong militant leader who told them they were destined for 

Same problem now.  Setting up my soap box and telling people how to live will 
only get people listening who are ready and willing to hear my message.

During the Viet Nam war era the young men of the USA were pressured by the 
government to go kill the yellow man.  Many of them saw this as wrong and 
dissapeared, refused to join the military, burned their draft cards etc. 
Eventually the war ended partly because the people who would have to fight 
refused to do so

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