The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
You must have an MU (MisUnderstood Word) on 'cross packaging',  as all the
4 goals that you listed are in the same package, regardless how they are
Slight alterations of wordings,  as a covertly hostile person would be
happy to do,  would lead to cross packaging.

Here is the definition's first mention in the manual...

' The legs of a junior package must bear the same relation to each other as
do the legs of the basic package. Otherwise the package is not a true
package and will never erase. E.G. The complementary goal of ‘To free’ is
‘To be free’ not ‘To be freed’. Some care is always required in formulating
the exact wording of junior packages. When a junior package is not erasing
cleanly the most common fault is that the package is not a true package.
This is known as* cross-packaging*. It is one of the ‘deadly’ sins. When
two or more junior packages are crossed up into one package neither of the
packages will erase, and the whole mish-mash just grinds on forever. The
therapist who tries to resolve a man’s drinking problem by addressing his
infantile sex life is guilty of cross- packaging. This is why the ‘therapy’
goes on forever with no relief for the patient. Indeed, the basic way to
confuse a being is to cross-package him. Much thought has been given to
this gentle art in the history of the universe, and the most confusing
things that have ever happened to beings have been overt attempts to
cross-package them - all under the guise of ‘education’, of course. Once
cross-packaged the being is stuck within the crossed-up packages forever.
Cross-packaging is the primary method of enslaving spiritual beings that
has been used in the universe. It is infinitely more effective than the use
of rubber truncheons. So make sure that the legs of your junior packages
bear exactly the same relation to each other

page 85

as do the legs of the basic package. Only then will they erase.
Check that the complementary postulates are indeed complementary, and that
the opposing postulates are exact oppositions. This can only be done
empirically, on the basis of cold, hard logic. To do it any other way is to
court disaster. One may have a strong ‘gut feeling’ that the goal ‘To eat’
is opposed by the goal ‘To not be edible’, however logic tells us that the
correct opposition is ‘To not be eaten’. The difference between the package
cleanly erasing and grinding on forever is to be found within such* fine
shades of meaning*. Nowhere in life do you have to be more precise than in
this area of composing junior goals packages. '

That's it right from the 'ol man' himself.   If he didn't give examples of
cross-packaging when he discussed the sex package,  then we have to come up
with and extrapolate our own examples from conjecture,  logic,  and

Here's some possible examples...

I have to have sex with him so that he'll marry me.
I have to show my virility by giving her a good session in bed.
I'll look prettier to others if I wear this sexy dress.
I can't wear those orange pants, because they're such a 'gay' colour !
I'll be the life of the party if I tell them how often 'I scored'.
I can't have sex with him in the first two dates,  or he'll think that I'm
a whore.
To sex  vs.  To be sexy.  (definitely a cross packaging).
To sex and to be sexed   vs.   to sensually stimulate and to be sensually

None of the above is just  'sex',  but rather other
mixed in to muddy up the water and complicate things.

Now I understand the man;   eg.  If you are addressing 'welding steel',
you aren't addressing 'screwing nuts onto bolts'.  They are two different
actions, and not the same enough to be called one package.

Thanks,  Aarre Peltomaa

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Pete McLaughlin <
pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> HI
> Another thought on Cross-Packaging in life. It only occurs? when you are
> stuck in a compulsive game.
> for instance with "to eat"
> When you see a donut that screams "must be eaten" and you are in a
> voluntary or no games condition you can  pick whether you adopt  the "must
> eat" or "must not eat" postulate but if you are compulsively in the "must
> eat" and have eating problems and see a donut you make the "must be eaten"
> postulate your enemy and get the cross packaged goal:
> 1. must eat     3. must not be eaten
> 2. must not eat   4. must be eaten
> Where 2 is not available because of your previous decision that you "must
> eat" and 4 is your opponent because it is now off your diet but  3. is not
> a complement of 1 so you are cross packaged.
> Therefor compulsion is a necessary component of cross packaging in life?
> Keep on TROMing
> Pete
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Pete McLaughlin <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>
> *To:* The Resolution of Mind list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 24, 2013 8:18 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [TROM1] Cross Packaging? again
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hi Paul and Svoboda
> Thanks for the responces. They got my brain working again.
> Here is what i have come up with so far.
> the normal to sex goals package has male and female complementing each
> other.
> 1. must sex    3. must be sexed
> by making females and males opponents in a game we move the female
> postulate to the opponents position and the negative female postulate to
> the complementary position.
> 1. must sex    3 must not be sexed
> 2. must not sex   4 must be sexed
> This is by definition a cross package as 1 and 3 are not exactly
> complementary.
> Does this look like a correct interpretation of Dennis' statement that:
>  "As a male, he soon starts to get opposed to females, and vice-versa.
> Very soon he is in a terrible state on the subject, for the two genders are
> not intrinsically in opposition to each other.
>  You end up with a classic case of cross-packaging. We find the male
> desperately asserting his masculinity, while heavily suppressing any
> feminine characteristics in his personality, and vice-versa for the female.
> The whole subject soon takes on the quality of a nightmare, and becomes one
> big unsolvable problem. And it stays this way until the being regains his
> full freedom of choice to occupy, at will, any one of the four classes
> available to him on the subject."
> IF so then on any goals in life if you make what should be a complementary
> postulate into the opposition postulate in a game you are cross packaging.
> Keep on TROMing
> Pete
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com>
> *To:* trom@lists.newciv.org
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 24, 2013 12:19 AM
> *Subject:* [TROM1] Cross Packaging? again
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hi Pete,
> After reading further, I see that I may have muddied the waters a little
> more.  With the following definition here is what I see.
> On Jan 23, 2013, at 11:44 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:
> > OK
> > Here's the definition of cross packaging. it doesn't apply so Dennis
> misspoke in the TROM manual.
> >
> >
> > Cross-packaging
> > When a junior package is not erasing cleanly the most common fault is
> that the package is not a true package.  This is known as
> > cross-packaging.  It is one of the 'deadly' sins.  When two or more
> junior packages are crossed up into one package neither of the packages
> will erase and the whole mish-mash just grinds on forever.  The therapist
> who tries to resolve a man's drinking problem by addressing his infantile
> sex life is guilty of cross-packaging.  This is why the 'therapy' goes on
> forever with no relief for the patient.
> The packages are not the little differences that exist between the sexes,
> male to female or female to male but the fact that male is different than
> female and vice versa.  So it is not the differences that exist between a
> male and a female but the simple fact that male is different than female
> and female different than male.  To heck with all the differences thereby
> derived, it is that male is not female and female is not male.
> With two separate things which are not the duplicate of the other, there
> will always be a difference.  To then go into all the differences that one
> can spot between the two sexes will not address the basic.  So one can
> process out all of the differences that they can find between sexes and
> totally miss the basic.  The basic is that one sex is not the other.
> So if one then processes on those differences between two items, one may
> miss the fact that there is an opposition and games condition because there
> are two different things, not that there are two or more differences in
> sexual characteristics.  Basically not being able to see the forest for the
> trees.  Processing out all the different trees and all of their differences
> between each other will not process out the opposition terminal of the
> forest.  Just process on 'the forest'.  As in Dennis' sample, process
> alcohol not "infantile sex life".  A person may give you or you yourself
> may give yourself housekeeping as the opposition subject when it is really
> male vs female or female vs male and nothing more non-esoteric than that.
> I believe Dennis calls this 'Cross-Packaging' as all crossed or mixed up
> and not addressing the correct item.
> Paul, Level 5 in progress
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