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Hi Aarre
Here is where Dennis states that the postulates must be as in the basic package.


When a junior package is not erasing cleanly the most common fault is that the 
package is not a true package. This is known as cross-packaging. It is one of 
the ‘deadly’ sins. 

When two or more junior packages are crossed up into one package neither of the 
packages will erase, and the whole mish-mash just grinds on forever. 

The therapist who tries to resolve a man’s drinking problem by addressing his 
infantile sex life is guilty of cross-packaging. This is why the ‘therapy’ goes 
on forever with no relief for the patient. 

Indeed, the basic way to confuse a being is to cross-package him. Much thought 
has been given to this gentle art in the history of the universe, and the most 
confusing things that have ever happened to beings have been overt attempts to 
cross-package them - all under the guise of ‘education’, of course. 

Once cross-packaged the being is stuck within the crossed-up packages forever. 
Cross-packaging is the primary method of enslaving spiritual beings that has 
been used in the universe. It is infinitely more effective than the use of 
rubber truncheons. 

So make sure that the legs of your junior packages bear exactly the same 
relation to each other as do the legs of the basic package. Only then will they 

Check that the complementary postulates are indeed complementary, and that the 
opposing postulates are exact oppositions. This can only be done empirically, 
on the basis of cold, hard logic. To do it any other way is to court disaster.

Dennis Stephens. The Resolution of Mind (Kindle Locations 884-886). 

> From: Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com>
>To: Pete Mclaughlin <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com> 
>Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:20 PM
>Subject: Re: [TROM1] Cross Packaging? again
>I had them numbered incorrectly;  my mistake.   If 1 is must know,  and 2 is 
>must not know,  and 3 is must be known,  and 4 is must not be known,  then one 
>will create sensation with 1 and 4,  or 2 and 3.   Could you show me where 
>Dennis states that cross-packaging is defined by whether or not the postulates 
>are complementary or opposing?  I need to see that reference.
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