The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Sent Saturday 17th of September 2016
by ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk (Antony Phillips)

This is an incidental, parenthetical, note. This Trom list now has put into its header (subject) the word "[TROM1]". To the very best of my knowledge it is the first Internet list ever run about TROM. At a later time to or three other lists came up with TROM in their title. I must admit I was a bit annoyed about that and "combated" it by adding the numeral "1" to the title. That is a story, and is perhaps a bit of an anachronism to still have it there (but that is not my hat any longer!).

Note that this is a resend of a message sent some years ago, and some data (like addresses) is liable to be inaccurate. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 21:10:53 +0100
From: Antony Phillips <i...@post8.tele.dk>
Reply-To: i...@post8.tele.dk
Organization: International Viewpoints
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (Win95; I)
To: tro...@newciv.org
Subject: TROM: Replay B62

       Ant                                Antony A Phillips
                                         tlf: (+45) 45 88 88 69
                                          Box 78
                                          DK - 2800 Lyngby
Editor, International Viewpoints (= IVy). See Home Page:
Administrator: trom-l, selfclearing-l, superscio-l, IVy lists

To: "TROM LIST" <tro...@newciv.org>
Subject: TROM & Scientology
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 18:47:50 +0200

NOTE: This message is targeted at those who have a basic understanding of
Scienetology, If you don't and just are interested in TROM, pls ignore, and
continue what you are doing.

So, only the curious and {ex} Scientyologist are left right... :)

When I read Trom, about 2 months ago, it HIT, I cognited it was written from
a higher Q than Scientology as it is currently applied,  went up-the-pole.
and I had a new, much simpler model to evaluate life.

>From what I have found so far, it obviousely does not have the same efffect
on everybody who reads it.

Which is an interesting effect.

As far as I can see, Ron's model does free a being from part of his case if
applied, but at the same time traps the being in a whole lot of his

Evaluating these opinions against the TROM model easely blows them.

EXAMPLE: "Production is the basis of morale"

This is typically a "Must Be Know" statement. "Consumption is the basis of
morale" is equally valid of course,  and even "No Production" and "No
Consumption"  are a basis of morale.

Scientology seems to slanted towards the "Must Be Know" postulate for the PC,
staff member and source, and the "Must Know" postulate for the Auditor, C/S

When you look at it that way, all CoS troubles are part of the 3-d "TROM

All beings trapped by the CoS could be freed to the next level when we find
out a way to process the 3-d TROM CASE of the CoS.

So, for those that have a purpose of getting all those beings 'untrapped' it
would be nice to find a way to apply TROM to the CoS 3-d (or any 3-d for
that matter).

Anyone on the list care to do some research in this direction? Anyone has
some ideas as to how to aproach this?

Honzo Svasek == random...@null.net

"Axiom 81: Sanity consists of optimum randomity"
- from the Dianetic Axioms by  L. Ron Hubbard -

From: Randy Nicholson <b...@best.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.02 [en] (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Nori Avidan <nor...@netvision.net.il>,
        "tro...@newciv.org" <tro...@newciv.org>
Subject: Re: SelfClear: Re: FW: Request for Help on Clearing path

Yes Nori,

Its well worth it, I would do it and hope to one day. Maybe using the TROM manual or the english dictionary as the materials being studied. It is or was a SCN course package at one time and I am not sure if it is still offered. I would not be allowed to do it through the C of SCN but have enough
information having done the student hat course to get me going.

All the best to you .
Randy Nicholson

Nori Avidan wrote:

> Hi Randy,
>         Thank you for the quotes.
>         Does it worth the effort according to your opinon & experience ?
>         Nori
> ----------
> From:   Randy Nicholson[SMTP:b...@best.com]
> Sent:   ýSunday, October 18, 1998ý ý5:14 AMý
> To:     Nori Avidan
> Cc:     'family-l'ý;ý 'fza-l'ý;ý 'selfclearing-l'ý;ý 'Allen'
> Subject:        Re: SelfClear: Re: FW: Request for Help on Clearing path
> As defined in the SCN Tech Dictionary :
> PRIMARY RUNDOWN, 1. the PRIMARY RUNDOWN consists of word clearing and study tech. It makes a > student super-literate. 2. Consists of method one word clearing and method 8 on study tapes and
> Method 1, is word clearing with a meter in session done by a trained auditor.
> Method 8, is an action used in the Primary Rundown where one is studying study tech or where one > is seeking a full grasp of a subject. Its end product is a super-literacy. Usually an alphabetical > list of EVERY word or term in the text of paper, a chapter or a recorded tape is available or > provided. The person looks up each word on the alphabetical list and uses each one in a sentence
> until he has the meaning conceptually.
> Method 8 is a MAJOR rundown and the results are nothing short of fantastic. It does require allot
> of self determinism to get through it from what I understand.
> Nori Avidan wrote:
> > Hi Randy,
> >
> > Thank you for the information. According to Allen's and yours answers, It looks like I probably > > miss appreciated the target of the effort required from me during the student hat course.
> > I'll will try to fix that.
> >
> > By the way does anybody has more details about the mentioned Primary RD ?
> >
> > Nori.
> >
> > ----------
> > From:   Randy Nicholson[SMTP:b...@best.com]
> > Sent:   ýSaturday, October 17, 1998ý ý4:39 AMý
> > To:     Allen
> > Cc:     Nori Avidaný;ý 'fza-l'ý;ý 'selfclearing-l'ý;ý 'trom-l'
> > Subject:        SelfClear: Re: FW: Request for Help on Clearing path
> >
> > Nori,
> >
> > I have not done the Primary RD but I would recommend it to anyone. I have > > friends who have completed it and can't say enough about it. It is a major > > action and the Student Hat course will get you started. English is THE language > > of this planet and I also recommend you work on it as well. You have some extra > > work to do with your english barrier. Word clearing got me moving in life and > > with my own clearing. It was not just to help me study better but more of a > > case gain type of action. Don't discount it on your route to clearing. If you > > have the opportunity at some point then do the Primary RD too if its still
> > available..
> >
> > One thing I can say about the Academy is that there are other students, course > > supervisors and word clearers to help you along in the beginning when its > > needed most. So if you still have the Academy opportunity open to you then use
> > it now.
> >
> > This planet could be considered a prison planet but it does not have to be that > > way for yourself . I have come and gone many times but I would like to see
> > others be able to do the same as well.
> >
> > I wish you well.
> > Randy Nicholson
> >
> > Allen wrote:
> >
> > > Hi, Nori,
> > >
> > > This is in addition to my one earlier direct response.  I'm making it
> > > public because I believe you've touched upon something of imort to
> > > everyone. I am not on all the lists in this email's recipient list, but
> > > I'm willing to have some of it not go through. (Anyone, replies and
> > > arguments should be sent directly to me if you want to be sure I see them.)
> > >
> > > When I did the Superliterate training (The Primary Rundown), I realized > > > that it was literacy that underlies clearing. If you can't label things, > > > whether in a clay demo or in a session, you can't get a handle on them.
> > > And you can't get clear.  Or you won't stay clear.
> > >
> > > Another really important point, one that can be taken as offensive, but
> > > please don't: English is THE language of clearing.
> > >
> > > We live on a prison planet, kept from recovering ourselves by artificially > > > imposed conflicting cultures, religions and languages. We are kept in > > > confusion and violently, politically or socially at war among ourselves, so > > > as to be a self-suppressing populace and require the minimum of outside
> > > policing and control.
> > >
> > > Ron never said so, but I will: We came here as a project team, and the > > > FIRST item in the establishment of clearing was the creation of the English > > > culture, and then the American when the English couldn't get past the petty > > > politics and religions of Europe. The United States was founded with the
> > > correct form of government and the correct language for all that has
> > > happened good in the world since 1789.  We, the mission officers and
> > > members, working all over the world but primarily here in the US, have > > > either caused or inspired and protected all that is good in the world we
> > > now have.
> > >
> > > NOTE! I am saying nothing good here about the American government. The > > > sitting authority bears little resemblance to the proscribed structure. > > > Things have drifted. That's why we're in trouble. In the world, and in
> > > clearing.  That's the big time crunch Ron sometimes alluded to.
> > >
> > > But we can pull it off. We must work hard in the US to correct the errors > > > of "public policy" (itself _not_ a US constitutional concept!) And we must > > > work hard to have and teach the correct tech. English is the support tool > > > of design. So, yes, part of the study materials was to quietly force the
> > > learning of English, without saying so, so as to avoid an insult and
> > > argument. Truth be known, English is much the language as where we trained > > > for this mission. It wasn't invented here, and it is not merely a cultural
> > > phenomenon or social accident.
> > >
> > > As a side note, but a relevant one, this is part of the hidden agenda so > > > many people felt and feel, and object to. That's why I don't hide it, > > > because to have a hidden agenda means that you can't even say that it is > > > honorable in the end. You can't admit it exists. Thus you leave yourself > > > open to well-founded suspicion. So, I say, let's be open, tell the truth > > > and admit the entire package, and let the upsets be transient as we stay
> > > the course to freedom.
> > >
> > > The Primary Rundown was invaluable to me in recovering my identity.
> > > Whether the Key to Life course is enough of the same thing I don't know, > > > and whether you should continue inside the Co$ is a decision to be made by > > > you alone. Use my Reservation Standing Procedure if you have difficulty
> > > doing that.
> > >
> > > All the best, I'd like to hear how it goes.
> > >
> > > -0-
> > >
> > > -5  Reservation  Disoriented and paralyzed by indecision; held back
> > >                  by uncertainty or turmoil; uncommitted.
> > >
> > >                  Statistical Indicator:  Erratic, with a
> > >                  discernable downward trend.
> > >
> > >                  Objective:  Make a commitment.
> > >
> > >                1.   Evaluate your intentions and objectives relative
> > >                     to yourself.
> > >                2.   Evaluate your personal statistics in terms of
> > >                     your performance to date in pursuing your
> > >                     intentions and objectives.
> > >                3.   Confirm for yourself what your standards are for
> > >                     the life and activities with which you desire to
> > >                     involve yourself.
> > >                4.   Review your alternatives.
> > >                5.   Evaluate the actual worth and/or intentions and
> > >                     activities of the alternative(s) you are
> > >                     considering.
> > >                6.   If the alternatives in question are entities
> > >                     with which you are considering alliances,
> > >                     examine their statistics and principles, etc.,
> > >                     and compare them to your own.
> > >                7.   Decide, on the basis of consistency with your
> > >                     own standards and the broadest benefit across
> > >                     your domains, whether an alternative should be
> > >                     neglected or pursued.
> > >                8.   Select the alternative which best meets or most
> > >                     exceeds your standards, compares most favorably
> > >                     with your standards overall, and is also most in
> > >                     alignment with your life goals, principles and
> > >                     purposes.
> > >                9.   Reject the selection you have just made if it
> > >                     doesn't really meet your standards and alignment
> > >                     criteria, and drop back to step 4, remembering
> > >                     to look for additional alternatives.
> > >                10.  Develop and adopt an acceptable self-image of
> > >                     proactive involvement with the chosen
> > >                     alternative(s).
> > >                11.  Announce your decision appropriately to any
> > >                     legitimately interested parties.
> > >                12.  Take immediate action to establish a firm and
> > >                     ethical foundation for success with respect to
> > >                     the alternative(s) upon which you have decided.
> > >                  a. If your decision in doing this procedure has
> > >                     resulted in your reaffirming an already
> > >                     existing alternative, and if having wavered
> > >                     from it (or having gone through this process
> > >                     to confirm your commitment) has lowered your
> > >                     standing in that position, determine your new
> > >                     standing and follow its procedure, then work
> > >                     on up through the appropriate procedures and
> > >                     get your position repaired.
> > >                  b. If your decision in doing this procedure has
> > >                     resulted in your reaffirming an already
> > >                     existing alternative but going through this
> > >                     renewed decision process has not lowered your
> > >                     status, work on up through the procedures
> > >                     from your current standing and continue to
> > >                     move forward to success.
> > >                  c. If your decision in doing this procedure has
> > >                     resulted in a new project, pursuit, or
> > >                     position, apply the Commencement procedure to
> > >                     that activity.
> > >
> > > --------
> > >
> > > Allen, Speaker          |         spea...@asc.org
> > > ASC Missions Group     -0-     http://www.asc.org
> > > Articulate Management   |   http://www.artman.com
> >
> > **
> > This message sent to the list selfclearing-l which forwards to
> > Internet news group alt.clearing.technology
> > The list is for those engaged in using the Pilot's self
> > enlightenment book "Self Clearing". Comments, questions and answers.
> > For information, write to majord...@gem.lightlink.com with the single
> > message line: info selfclearing-l
> > **

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