Of course, God has revealed others things not in the Bible.  But these things are not on a par with the Bible.  They are not additional Bible.  And furthermore, I reject Joe Smith revealing of anything from God.  And you know the historically reasons I believe this.  You refuse to believe historical fact.  No, I recant that.  You cannot believe historical facts because Satan has blinded you.

Rather, scriptural inerrancy relates to the human writer's expressed meaning in each book, and to the Bible's whole body of revealed truth and wisdom.

DAVEH:  Whew......I thought he'd never admit such!  That is exactly what I believe.  The difference is that I believe God has revealed a lot of wisdom and truth that is not included within the pages of the Bible.  Apparently you (Glenn and others) believe all "
revealed truth and wisdom" is found in the Bible as we know it today......is that correct???

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