Glenn wrote:
>>> OK, Mormons will I ever get a yes or no?
>>> Do you believe that Jesus is God's son,

>> Yes.

Glenn wrote:
>>> second person of the Godhead?  Yes or no?

>> Yes.

Glenn wrote:
>>> Godhead and Trinity are the same to me.

>> I disagree.

>> I've answered those questions before, but I
>> don't mind answering them again.  The only
>> one I can't answer is the one I don't understand.
>> Now.....will Glenn define "Trinity" for me, please.

Glenn wrote:
> Here we go again.  I just can't get answers.

What is the problem here, Glenn?  Dave just answered your questions, but
here you go saying that you can't get answers.  DaveH has asked you several
times to define Trinity for him.  Can he get an answer from you about that?

For the record, please note that DaveH said "yes" to your question that
Jesus is God's Son, and yes to the question that Jesus is the second person
of the Godhead.  He has answered these questions twice, the same way both
times, but you keep saying that you cannot get answers.  I just don't
understand why you are acting this way.

You agreed to drop the question of the Trinity and use the term Godhead
instead.  Do his answers suffice?  If not, then it is incumbent upon you to
define Trinity if you want an answer from DaveH.  That seems fair to me.

For the record, two Mormons on this list have indicated agreement that Jesus
is God's Son and that He is the second person of the Trinity, and one Mormon
has indicated that Jesus is the second person of the Godhead and would need
a definition of "Trinity" to answer any question that uses that term.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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