For the record I have defined Trinity over and over.  Trintiy and Godhead are the same.  For the record I ask for a yes or no.  For the record I did not get it on Trinity after I defined it.   I get more and more Mormons spin.   I'm tired of this beating around the bush.   I give up.  Have a good day.  Remember a chair might not be a chair.   What if you have been wrong on it all your life?

       Get it.  If you ask me these questions I can give a yes or not without all this talk.

Glenn wrote:
> Here we go again.  I just can't get answers.

What is the problem here, Glenn?  Dave just answered your questions, but
here you go saying that you can't get answers.  DaveH has asked you several
times to define Trinity for him.  Can he get an answer from you about that?

For the record, please note that DaveH said "yes" to your question that
Jesus is God's Son, and yes to the question that Jesus is the second person
of the Godhead.  He has answered these questions twice, the same way both
times, but you keep saying that you cannot get answers.  I just don't
understand why you are acting this way.

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