Glenn wrote:
> I want Bible.  I don't care about what you think.
> I care about what the Bible says.

Glenn, I'm somewhat offended by your comments here.  If you only care about
what they Bible says, why be on this list?  You have a Bible, don't you?
Just go read it.

The purpose of a list like this is to hear what other people have to say.
Not everyone has to speak in the same way, nor do they have to express their
views the same way.

I think ultimately what Glenn desires, Marlin, is to see if you have
Scriptures from the Bible that help reveal the truth that you hold.
Personally, I believe in truth apart from the Bible, so I don't have as much
difficulty from someone who speaks without being a Bible thumper.  I believe
the Bible is God's Word, but I do not believe that the Bible is solely the
way that God speaks and teaches us.  The Bible itself teaches us of the
promise of the Holy Spirit, who would teach us all things.  In 1 Corinthians
12, the Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit would use people to express
the mind of Christ.  Therefore, I believe we should read the Bible, listen
to the Holy Spirit who is shed abroad in our hearts by faith in Jesus
Christ, and hear others who have been filled with the Holy Spirit.  That
right there is about three sources of truth, which is really all of one.

I hope both Marlin and Glenn can be patient with one another to sort out our
varied approaches to truth.  At the very least, we should never say that we
don't care what others think because that is the very purpose of this list,
to hear what others think.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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