

Are there any Messianic fellowships in your area? There are several in the St. Louis area, and we have attended them from time to time. I light candles and celebrate the Sabbath with resting, which is a big exercise in discipline. I would like to know more about how you celebrate the Sabbaths and festivals with your family. Do you home school also?


You business sounds great; also your instruments! What state do you live in? Does your business allow you any “time off” in winter months? Do you have a website?




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marlin Halverson
Sunday, November 10, 2002 12:04 AM


I am a Hebrew, if you need a name, just like the name of the book most likely authored by Paul.  (Followers of Jesus were first called Christians by outsiders at Antioch.)    "And he said unto them, I [am] an Hebrew; and I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry [land]." (JON 1:9)    


I do not care for religion.  I care for truth.  I love God.  I love to praise God, especially with music and song with my whole family of 8.  With your C of C background, you might appreciate that much of what we sing is in four or more parts harmony, acapella.  All my children play piano, some more than others.  I have an artistic background, and love to create unusual, sculptural musical instruments.  I am struggling to earn a living with my family, working together to run a greenhouse business. 


We have fellowshipped with a number of different groups and visited yet many more.  With only six days to work and do all my labor, this logically leaves time for rest and fellowship on the seventh day.  We have tried, and there is not enough time to fellowship on Sundays over an extended period of time.  There have been times when we have attended Bible studies on other days too.  Thus, we have fellowshipped predominantly with Sabbath keeping groups for over 30 years.  We also keep God's other Sabbaths and festivals.  These are more meaningful than anything men could dream up on their own.  We do not belong to a denomination and we do not believe in a party spirit, which is one of the fruits of the flesh.


Motivation for keeping the commandments is from our love and fear of God and our love for His truth.  A particular doctrine or commandment or prophet or group or denomination or object or book or symbol or other idol will not save anybody.  Jesus saves us.  My immediate head is Christ, as the scripture says, and not another man.


Yes, I am against Christmas.  It violates the truth of God.



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 6:28 PM

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Xmas


Martin - Quite frankly this is double talk.  I have had enough of it with the Mormons so I recognize it quite quickly.   If it doesn't matter if you are against Christmas then why send links.  Notice that was not a question.  I have to assume it matters to you or you wouldn't send links. 
Just like the Mormons you did not answer the question yes or no.  Are you against Christmas, yes or no?  In fact, I don't think you have answer any questions or very few. 

       I have a Church of Christ background.  What religious background do you have?  I'm just asking you to come clean.  What denomination or religious group do you belong too?  Who are you? 

"My faith has found a resting place -- Not in device or creed.
I need no other argument, I need no other plea:
It is enough that Jesus died, And that he died for me."

Lidie Edmunds

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