Izzy, you didn't address my comments.

PS.  I haven't judged Martin's motives.  I don't have a clue what he is saying AND I said that.  But his implication is that Christmas is a sin!!!!!  I WILL TELL YOU THIS.  HE COMES ACROSS WITH PIOUS ARROGANCE.  Is he arrogantly pious?  I don't have a clue as he doesn't answer questions. 

Oh, Glenn, chill out. I say if someone doesn’t want to get into the Christmas thing it could be a good thing. Last year we didn’t have any of our children with us, so I didn’t even put up a tree, and enjoyed the break. Depends upon why they opt out. So don’t condemn someone if you don’t know why. You are judging their motives.

Izzy, this kind of belief will lead to you all sorts of extremes and into cults if you are not careful.  I grew up with this anti-Christmas belief and it IS WRONG WRONG WRONG.  You need to think outside the box.  THERE IS ONE EXTREMIST GROUP THAT BELIEVES THE FALSE DOCTRINE that if it not in the Bible it is wrong.  Musical instruments in worship are sin because of Eph. 5:19 and Col 3:16.  Musical instruments are not in the Bible.  Electricity is not in the Bible.  This is some is a great lack of thinking ability to go this route.

I am not saying you have to celebrate Christmas.  I could just as soon do without it.  WHO KNOWS WHAT MARTIN IS SAYING?   HE WON'T TALK. 


“Christmas” is not in the Bible. Sometimes it is not what the Bible says, but what it does not say. Personally I celebrate Christmas, but you can’t accuse Marlin of being unbiblical if he does not want to.


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