Glenn wrote:
> Many have it backwards today.  They give sinners
> hell and gently talk to Christians.  Jesus was the
> opposite when he talked to the woman at the well
> and the religious leaders of his day.

Glenn, the problem is that you are the pastor here, the doctor, the
representative of the religious establishment.  In other words, you are the
religious leader.  Marlin appears to be more like the woman at the well,
perhaps.  So your analogy seems to apply in the opposite way of what you

Glenn - I am not a Pharisee.  No way do I represent them.  Please don't confuse religious leader/pastor or whoever with Pharisee. 

Btw, if I get some time, I would be happy to straighten you out on the Greek
for being called Christian.  Strong has a point to make, but he has misled

David - No need to waste your time.  I will stick with Strongs over your Greek.  I have seen this before.  When the Greek disagrees, being the genius you are, you step into a "change the Greek" debate.  No thanks.
This reminds me of the Church of Christ that changes the meaning of the word "psalms" to say it no longers means string music. 

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