Eternal security is the same as "once saved always saved".  Once you are saved, you are secure for eternity.  You cannot loose your salvation.  You can lose your rewards in heaven but not your eternal salvation.

DAVEH:  I'm not sure I understand it, Laura.  (We don't use the term, in LDS theology.)  Would somebody in TT please give me a thumbnail definition of "Eternal Security", please?

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In a message dated 11/25/2002 11:43:35 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Almost all Baptist believe in eternal security.  By that I mean their pastors believe in eternal security.  There is one group of Baptists known as the Free Will Baptists.  Laura is one of them.  They do not believe in eternal security.
   Does anyone have better figures?

Wesleyan and I think Nazarene don't believe in Eternal Security.  It all depends on how you define Eternal Security.   It can get pretty complicated.   Even Free Will Baptists believe we are eternally saved.  LOL  Laura

DAVEH:  I'm not sure I understand it, Laura.  (We don't use the term, in LDS theology.)  Would somebody in TT please give me a thumbnail definition of "Eternal Security", please?

Dave Hansen
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