Title: Romans , Chapter 14
\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/
Greetings Izzy in the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him] :) !!
Izzy declared in her own words ...
> I have serious problems understanding
That is immediately evident from my cursory reading of your reaction, er, uh, response.
> I am unfamiliar with any common state that all cancer patients have in their blood.
Do you mean to infer that if you don't know it then it must not be so?
> Pleomorphism means “many shapes”. (ie: of cells)
Because you say so?
> Bacteria and viruses are two different entities (like apples and oranges). As far as I know, a bacteria is never in “virus form”.
In response to your two statements, 'no' and 'no'.
As to your first statement, apples can never be oranges, and oranges can never be apples.  However, some (?all?) bacteria can become viruses, and some (?all?) viruses can become bacteria i.e. one can become another "entity" ... and so much more!
As to your second statement, well, you have much to learn.  Sorry to break the news to you, though, that this does not make you special.  It lumps you in with most of the zombies that accept the drivel that they are told without examination.  Hosea 4:6
> Again, what “form” or “picture” is he referring to? The shape of the blood cells? The Ph of the plasma? The chemical composition? What???
All of the above and none of the above.  The 'What' is even more foundational than any and all of the above.  It is a matter of physics.
Now, Izzy, before you go popping off again in disagreement with the truth of my statements from your dearth of knowledge in these matters, try following after the Scriptures with the words of another wise one ...
"Get wisdom, get understanding:  forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.  Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee:  love her, and she shall keep thee.  Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom:  and with all thy getting get understanding.  Exalt her, and she shall promote thee:  she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her." Proverbs 4:5,6,7&8
When you have a good working knowledge of Antoine Bechamp, Gunther Enderlein, Royal Rife and Graeme Naessens then we can chat again on these matters.  That should take you some months (?years?).
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Chris Barr, an underShepherd
little children of Jesus Christ
89 Homeplace Trail
Pocahontas, AR 72455
(870) 892-7843
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/12/03 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Fw: Science and pork

Marlin, While I would like to believe the following article, I have serious problems understanding how it could be scientific:
Part of his research with the microscope revealed to him a specific state that the blood MUST be in for cancer to develop.          

In his notes he made notation of a curiosity to him. He had discovered that pork caused the specific state for cancer to develop and grow very rapidly. Whenever a test subject consumed pork, their blood entered into that specific state of the blood that he had discovered was necessary for cancer to develop. The blood would maintain this state for up to nine hours after ingestion of pork.
What specific “state” would that be? I am unfamiliar with any common state that all cancer patients have in their blood.

In the 1940's Gruner argued in essays and books (An Interpretation
of Cancer and the Study of Blood in Cancer) that pleomorphism was a
phenomenon in other diseases.

Pleomorphism means “many shapes”. (ie: of cells)

Gruner: "Viruses in the strict sense are mostly discredited where cancer
is in question. However, the newer pleomorphists stand in marked
contrast. The virus form, to them, is one phase in the life history of
many, if not all bacteria. The bacteria forms do not produce cancer, but
the virus forms does. The existence of virus forms of typhoid bacillus,
colon bacillus, tubercle bacillus cannot seriously be disputed."

Bacteria and viruses are two different entities (like apples and oranges). As far as I know, a bacteria is never in “virus form”.

Gruner's specialty was blood. Rife had discovered that pork caused the
cancer micro-organism to grow very rapidly. In fact, Kendall's K
Meddium had a pork base. Gruner took this notion a step further,
producing a startling and frightening fact for people who eat pork.
Gruner wrote that the blood of a person who ate pork was the SAME
(emphasis in the original) as a cancer patient for 8 or 9 hours after

Gruner: "a meal which features pork will produce a BLOOD PICTURE
INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THAT OF CANCER,(emphasis in the original), though
of course normality reappears after 8 to 9 hours"

Again, what “form” or “picture” is he referring to? The shape of the blood cells? The Ph of the plasma? The chemical composition? What???


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