\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/
Greetings David in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
I spent more than a decade chasing down "Rife" items  BEFORE there was an internet to do such.  I did it the old fashioned way ... many trips to many university libraries all over Southern California.
I was able to verify Rife research with Rosenow and Kendall from California Medical Journal articles and a few national science journals.
The superiority of Rife's microscope was that it was able to magnify to extraordinary levels and examine living matter.  As you well know, the electron microscope kills its subjects so that you cannot examine living matter.  Rife was able to examine life processes and changes that the electron microscope cannot do.
Sadly, I was less successful when I tried to verify current day workings on these matters.  More specifically I had no success.  Whenever I chased down a lead on someone they either ended up in dead ends, or fraudulent and/or questionable characters.  I gave up finding reliable Rife devices about 10 years ago.
Nonetheless, when combined with other very extensive research on Bechamp, I have been able to apply the research in other ways.
I don't recommend any of the Rife "devices".  That does not mean there is no validity to any of them, but I don't recommend anything without verification.
Again, there are other ways to apply the research.  That I have done successfully.
As to making money with the microscope, well, that article in the Smithsonian annual was a reprint from the Franklin Institute.
Drs. Seidel and Winters from the Franklin Institute were very interested in the microscope and the research of Rife.  They went about doing follow-up on Rife's research.  They began to receive anonymous phone calls to drop the Rife research.  They ignored the calls and dismissed them as some crackpot ... until bullets came ringing through the rear windshield of their automobile.  That caused them to drop the research.
The answers are not so simple as just having the knowledge, money and time.
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Chris Barr, an underShepherd
little children of Jesus Christ
89 Homeplace Trail
Pocahontas, AR 72455
(870) 892-7843
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 1/16/03 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ROTFLMHO! ... "credentials" and Harvard

> Chris wrote:
> > Credentials are what people fall back on in lieu
> > of reality or results.  ...  I have to question whether
> > this is TRUTHTalk or TRASHtalk ... it is so hard
> > to tell.
> One way to move from TRASHtalk to TruthTalk is to lay off giving us all the
> credentials of the names you drop and give us some solid information that we
> can duplicate for ourselves.  For example, you speak of last year having
> bones healed in one week.  How about giving us some more details.  How about
> a name of the person who was healed, maybe a phone number, how about contact
> info for the doctors.  Tell us what you did to accomplish this.  Is it
> readily repeatable in other patients?
> You mention several other healings, such as epilespy, herpes, cataracts,
> arthritis.  How about giving us some more details.  How were they cured?
> What did you do, and do you continue to have success for the same illnesses?
> Chris wrote:
> > Rife created a microscope in the 1920s UNEQUALLED
> > (let alone UNSURPASSED) even to the present day in
> > what any microscope today can accomplish.
> I read about this microscope and saw a picture of it.  If you gave me a
> choice between his and a nice Electron Scanning Microscope, I'd probably
> take the Electron Microscope.  :-)  Nevertheless, maybe this is because of
> my ignorance of his methods.  Where can I get the design to this microscope
> so I can build one for myself and see how well it works?  I've used standard
> optical microscopes and electron microscopes so I know what to expect there,
> but this microscope sounds kind of fishy in the way that it used special
> wavelengths of light.  I'd like to see it in action.
> Btw, I must say that your characterization of "unequalled, let alone
> unsurpassed" discredits your opinion.  Microscopes are suited for different
> tasks.  There are many situations where I would choose a low power optical
> binocular microscope over an electron microscope, but there are other things
> for which you simply must have an electron microscope.  You can't just paint
> with a broad brush and say that his microscope of 1920 surpassed anything
> ever made.  It depends upon what you want to do with it.
> Furthermore, if this microscope is as good as you say it is, how about
> putting your money where your mouth is and invest in a company with me.  We
> can build them and sell them.  We could make a fortune, right?  Are you
> interested?
> Chris wrote:
> > By the way, it is the medical folk who refer to "live viruses"
> > so let's just keep that straight.  (THEY ARE STILL BIG
> > CONS!)
> I actually read that on a website about these guys you mentioned (I think it
> was one on Rife).  At the bottom was a link to get more details about his
> research, which I eagerly clicked, only to be presented with various pills
> that I could order.  Is that how you cured the broken bones and these other
> ailments, with these pills?
> Chris wrote:
> > If you knew your history you would know that the term
> > "snake oil salesman" was originally used to describe
> > DRUGGISTS.  They managed eventually (by hook and
> > by crook) to get it cast off of them and saddled
> > TRUTHsayers with it.
> Well, what I meant was that there were many salesmen during the frontier
> days who got away with selling snake oil that would cure anything.  The
> problem was that what they were selling didn't do anything.  Even Coca Cola
> was sold as a cure-all.  They got away with it for awhile because people
> were gullible and cut off from communication with other parts of the
> country.  Discoveries were always being made, so these con men took
> advantage of those who were looking for new discoveries.  Even Joseph Smith
> cashed in on that from a man who toured the country with mummies from Egypt.
> All Smith had to do was say, "hey, these papyri with the mummies are ancient
> books, one of them older than the Bible.  This one is the book of Abraham,
> and this other one is the book of Joseph!  God has given me the ability to
> translate, so here's what they say."  People believed him.
> Today we see all the weight loss gimicks and pills that do anything from
> heal every form of cancer and illness to giving you a better sex life.
> People are always searching for the cure all to everything, and many will
> try just about anything.  The raelians now promise eternal life through
> their cloning technology, but I suppose that they are not going to share
> that information with the rest of us unless we join their religious cult.
> :-)  Surely we should not believe all these claims on face value.  We need
> to evaluate them each case by case or have a healthy skepticism toward them.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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