\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/
Greetings David in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller"
Sent: 1/17/03 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Broken bones 101: Brief intro

> Hi Chris.
> I enjoy reading about your good health results.  How did you learn these
> methods?  Just by reading some books, or was there a particular mentor or
> school?
The short answer is The Holy Spirit.  This involved countless books (not least of which is Scripture itself), several excellent mentors, and a few schools.  I have been exceedingly blessed.
> There is a list member here who's son is battling cancer.  Maybe you have
> some diet recommendations for him.
Saying someone has "cancer" is similar to saying someone has "arthritis".  Although all cancers share some characteristics they each have their own nuances.  I think you can also appreciate that "cancer" is much more serious than "arthritis" so any recommendation I might make on the scant information provided would be with reservation.
Last week on my radio program I noted that Hezekiah prayed for deliverance from growths upon his body ("boils" / ?tumors?) and was granted 15 years more by The Almighty AFTER applying a gathering (poultice) of figs to these growths.  Did you know that figs are very high in benzaldehyde?  That substance has been used as a cancer treatment!
There are many diets which have had excellent reports about them for cancer such as The Grape Diet, raw foods diet, and the mucousless diet healing system (Dr. John Christopher's "Incurables Diet").
I would note that the trace element selenium has been noted to be found in cancer patients in proportion to survival time.  The higher the selenium blood levels the greater the survival time.  Those with the highest levels live longest and those with the lowest levels lived shortest in one study.
Selenium is among the most potent antioxidants.  It also has been noted to boost immunity.
Interesting selenium item ...
Decades ago the methylene blue reductase test was used as a crude assay for detecting cancer.  It had a good degree of accuracy but was replaced by biopsy which is more accurate (<cynicism on>as well as being far more expensive and more profitable!<cynicism off>).
Many years later it was discovered that the methylene blue reductase test is an EXCELLENT tool for measuring biological activity of various selenium compounds.  Food source seleniums such as selenomethionine trump manmade varieties every time.  ALSO, the manmade varieties have toxic effects at much lower levels than those varieties that come by way of The Creator in food.
> My father was diagnosed about four months ago with plasma cell leukemia.  We
> have been in prayer for him and he appears to be healed now, but I would
> like to know if you have some recommendations for him too.

Every male on my dad's side gets prostate cancer … my uncle and grandfather died from it. When my dad was afflicted about ten years ago the family didn't even tell me. They were afraid that I would influence him. (HA! He's still a 'sun'day goin', pork eatin' elder at the church, who worships at the altar of Aesculapius after all these years just like I was raised! ME influence HIM?!?)

AFTER the primary treatments I was finally told, and dad came to me and asked, "What can I do?" I put him on the best antioxidant formulation on the planet. You can't buy it at the health food store or through some pyramid club. It is available through "Professionals Only" and I have an old certification that I use to get it.

Dad followed my recommendation. He had monthly follow-ups for tests with his oncologist (a professor at USC Medical School). These were to be done monthly for six months.  After two months he brought the formula in to his doctor "to make sure it was OK". The doc told him he had some knowledge of the items in the formula and that there was nothing contraindicated to his medical program. Then the oncologist told dad to go ahead and keep taking it because he had never seen such good follow-up test results as my dad's! Even so, the doctor didn't want anything more to do with it for himself or his patients.

* sigh *

The doctor ended up after the 4th month follow-up changing the monthly schedule to quarterly, but after just one quarter changed that to six months, and after the first six month check-up changed that to annually. 

General dietary guidelines ... excessive PROTEIN consumption is the primary problem ...

FOOD GUIDELINES: In order of importance …

  1. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables (use a wide variety)
  2. Eat sprouts (variety is best)
  3. ONLY whole grains (again … variety is best … don't just consume wheat ... better yet if you eat no wheat at all)
  4. Limit ALL other foods to ONLY moderate levels (OR LESS!)
  5. IGNORE processed foods entirely for a vibrant, healthy lifestyle

Upon rising …


  1. Drink a glass of water
  2. Trampoline for 20 minutes (lightly bouncing from foot to foot … NOT vigorous jumping) … or walk briskly and vigorously for 30 minutes
  3. Start your day's eating with fruit and wait at least 30 minutes before eating anything else
  4. Sip water throughout the day constantly … pour a glass of water every hour and drink it up by the end of the hour … skip two hours after eating
  5. Use ONLY natural sweeteners in their WHOLE, UNREFINED form and use them SPARINGLY
  6. Follow FOOD GUIDELINES above
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA
> ----------
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Chris Barr, an underShepherd
little children of Jesus Christ
89 Homeplace Trail
Pocahontas, AR 72455
(870) 892-7843

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