
I am a common sense kind of person, rather than an intellectual. I don't do
research. I just think something like this:

If Mary had aborted Jesus, would she have killed a Person or a non-Person?

Therefore, I deduce that a preborn human being is a Person.

Too simple,

"Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out."

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of David Miller
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Stand for the Unborn!

Izzy wrote:
> At what exact point would you say that is?
> I say there is no exact point that you can
> POINT to.

I can't right now, but I would definitely not point to the point of
conception.  I think it is either sometime around 40 days after conception,
or at birth when the first breath is taken.  I do think there is some point
when it happens.  We need to do more research to determine when that is.

Izzy wrote:
> It's possibly possible. If so, why didn't
> God tell us about it?

There are a lot of things that God didn't tell us about.  That's why we
study, research questions.  God gave us marvelous minds to learn things that
we have not been told.

Izzy, you aren't still in that moralizing stage of development where you
only know what you've been told, are you?  Have you ever explored a matter
and learned something that nobody ever knew?

Izzy wrote:
> My soul is certainly still developing; does
> that mean I'm not a Person yet?

Maybe.  :-)  There is an idea in Scripture whereby your spirit might be
saved but not your soul.  Some say we need to endure to the end that our
soul might be saved, if we give ourselves to holiness, etc.  But that's a
whole 'nother can of worms.

The point is that when you have a fertilized ovum in a petri dish, is that
the same thing as having a human person?  What happens when the ova splits
and develops into identical twins?  Did their spirit / soul split as well?
Are identical twins half persons?  As you might know, I am an identical
twin, so I think about these things.  Kind of personal.  :-)

So are you against the idea of cloning?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

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