-----Original Message-----from David Miller:


How can you say with certainty that it did not change into a person at some

point along that continuum?


At what exact point would you say that is? I say there is no exact point that you can POINT to. J


Suppose for the sake of argument that we define a person as someone who has

a soul and spirit.  Is it possible that the biological building is done

first, then the spirit enters the body at some point?  Is this a



It’s possibly possible. If so, why didn’t God tell us about it?


Some of the ancient Jews believed that this happened 40 days after

conception.  Other Jews have argued that it happens at birth, with the first

breath.  I remember some Christian writers in the early centuries after

Christ arguing that the soul develops progressively, just like the physical



My soul is certainly still developing; does that mean I’m not a Person yet?



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