Izzy, you haven't

explained, from the Bible, what a human being is and when they start.


Until proven otherwise, I’ll go with the “from my mother’s womb” part.

 Psalm 13913 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.


You have clearly identified the continuum problem.

Why should we stop at birth?

Biologists/Psychologists have argued that human children are born 9 months

too early and "personhood" might start there.

Others say that 2 years is about right because that is when cognitive memory

has developed.


By the way, a Roman paterfamilias (Head male) had the right of life and

death over his children until they became adults.


I think we have enough folks murdering their children already.


The continuum problem is a reason why, as a way of defining when a human

person appears, I choose Bible models rather than science.

Then you’d think we’d agree! J


Here's a picture.


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[  o o  ]

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Ummm, maybe a teensy bit of Aardvark there….



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