My answer to all this mixing of works and salvation is John 3:16.  Salvation by grace through faith plus nothing minus nothing.  John 3:16.
DAVEH:   As I have intimated before, I believe many folks who believe such simply do not understand the nature of salvation.  It is very easy to show from the Bible that there is a minimum required of us to be "saved", and that minimum is more than faith alone.  Is there anybody in TT who feels that repentance is not necessary for salvation?
Of course I have heard this explained away on TT.
DAVEH:  And if it is erroneous doctrine, shouldn't it be explained away!
Much talk about salvation by grace, but when all the posting is said and done, it is not what is believed.  Between the lines there is a mixture of works, Saturday worship requirements, baptism, etc., required in order to get to heaven.

To deny this is to deny Protestantism.

DAVEH:  Maybe it's about time to consider such......  Do you think "Protestantism" is infallible, Glenn?
To deny this one should go join the Roman Catholics, Church of Christ, Jesus Only Pentecostals, Jehovah Witnesses, or Mormons.
DAVEH:  I did!  <VBG>
 They're all the same when it comes to a mixture of salvation with works.

  What I like about Pentecostals is they believe God can do anything.  What is sick about Pentecostals is their mixing of tongues, works, and salvation.  It is relatively easy to get a Roman Catholic converted to Church of Christ because they don't understand salvation by grace through faith plus nothing minus nothing.
Poor old DaveL will never understand what mainline Christians believe if he tries to find out on TT.

DAVEH:  LOL.......I learned that several years ago, Brother Glenn!  This is an interesting mix of doctrinal beliefs that seemingly have little in common sometimes.  I'm amazed that, considering the diversity of opinions, most here claim roots in Protestantism.
 TT is kind of like a cult discussion group.  Nothing wrong with that, but DaveL seldom hears what real Christians believe.
DAVEH:   ROTFLOL........."real Christians"......What's that!!!  I think of myself as being a "real Christian", but there are apparently few TTers who would agree with me.  No Glenn, I think "real Christians" are a product of most TTers imaginations.

Dave Hansen
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