> No such command was ever given to man (the race) at or after creation!

You have no proof that a Shabbat rest was NOT implemented by the followers
of YHVH before it was specifically given to Yisrael. Granted, there is no
proof the other way either. See the fault of your argument?

> It
> is simply stated that on the 7th day God rested. Gen.2:2   No observance
> the 7th day by any man is ever recorded in scripture until God commanded
> Israel and Israel alone to keep it as a day of rest as a sign between them
> and God.

Exclusionary logic holds no water. If it did, then the only examples of
sexual immorality in the New Testament is adultery and fornication, which
mean it's perfectly fine to engage in intercourse with animals because it is
not SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the New Testament.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Woodford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 28 September, 2003 23:58
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Ten Commandments Support

> Hi Marlin,
> I had written:".....According to Ex.31:13-17 the Sabbath was a sign
> God and the children of Israel....."
> To which you responded:"No.  Read the command again.  the word "for" means
> because.  It was given to man long before there ever was an Israel.  It is
> part of creation itself.So says the command."
> Dear brother, this command is given specificly to Israel. (Ex.31:13,16 and
> 17)
> No such command was ever given to man (the race) at or after creation!  It
> is simply stated that on the 7th day God rested. Gen.2:2   No observance
> the 7th day by any man is ever recorded in scripture until God commanded
> Israel and Israel alone to keep it as a day of rest as a sign between them
> and God.
> You continued:"The other part of the command, about working the SIX days,
> also part of creation. There are more work days to observe than there are
> rest days."
> Again, brother, no such command was ever given by God to any man until
> Israel and Israel alone was commanded to work 6 days and rest the 7th.
> You also wrote:"It is impossible to keep the weekly sabbath everyday, as
> some suppose, in order to justify sun-day worship.  This would destroy
> whole creation of a seven day week.  When would anybody work?"
> I do not in any way support or propagate sun-day worship!  Observance of
> days is all part of  a system that is to be foreign to new covenant
> See Col.2:16,17
> If God intended that one day was to be observed by new covenant saints in
> particular way that was distinct from all the rest, Paul could never have
> written Romans 14:5 and 6 under the inspiration of the Spirit of God!
> Your brother in Christ,
> Bruce
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