Gary wrote:
> How do you two resolve this issue(?)

Gary, I did not have time to read the article carefully that you shared,
and most of the interaction about it has been confusing.  It sounded
like maybe you believe that we should be pushing Homosexual Marriage as
a good and proper thing to do?  Is that YOUR POSITION? If so, please
come right out and say so and I would be glad to discuss it. My position
is that God has ordained marriage, not man, and man has no authority to
change it.  To enact homosexual marriage is to elevate man's wisdom
above God and to pervert the natural order than he created.  The idea
for homosexual marriage has been paved with the idea that there are no
differences between men and women.  That is another lie that we would
need to deal with in our discussion.  Men and women are different from
each other, and this is an important acknowledgment if we are going to
understand God's plan for marriage.  God's plan for marriage can only
exist between a man and a woman.  

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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