DavidMs position seems quite similar to Cal Thomas'--he has written on this issue recently, too.
FTR, Speaking of confusion on the matter (resulting from the retention of certain biases?), in an 'exegetical' sense, it appears that DavidM and CT both add the adjective 'homosexual', as in the case below.
May we inquire 'Why'?

gary ottoson :: http://poet235.com
On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 11:54:24 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Gary wrote:
> > How do you two resolve this issue(?)
>My  position is that God has ordained marriage, not man, and
>man has no authority to change it.  To enact homosexual
>marriage is to elevate man's wisdom above God and to
>pervert the natural order than he created...

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