David Miller wrote:
Judy wrote:
Do they have the freedom to make this choice and is this freedom
basically God-given.  Does God allow people to fail?

dm: Yes, of course.  Who would argue otherwise?  God allows people to
choose to sin.

DAVEH: Why do Protestants believe God allows men to fail? What is the
purpose of allowing failure/sin?  Just curious.....

jt: He didn't create puppets, he made man in His image for the purpose of
fellowship and since He is a God of love and holiness.  His image would
have reflected the same. However, they were tested and did not pass the
test. Eve was deceived and Adam chose to go with the woman, so they got
what they chose and were evicted from His garden.  God does not
fellowship with devils but in His foreknowledge he knew this was coming
and had made a way back from before the foundation of the world and the
way back to fellowship with the Father is in Christ.

You can see failure in the lives of men who God said were his friend and
after his own heart.  Abraham had fear which caused him to lie to king
Abimilech.  God said David was a man after his own heart and yet David
was guilty of murdering a woman's husband. God considered Moses his
friend and Moses was unable to enter the promise land because of anger.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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