> From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> David Miller wrote:
> Judy wrote:
> Do they have the freedom to make this choice and is this freedom
> basically God-given.  Does God allow people to fail?
> dm: Yes, of course.  Who would argue otherwise?  God allows people to
> choose to sin.
> DAVEH: Why do Protestants believe God allows men to fail? What is the
> purpose of allowing failure/sin?  Just curious.....
> jt: He didn't create puppets, he made man in His image for the purpose of
> fellowship and since He is a God of love and holiness.  His image would
> have reflected the same. However, they were tested and did not pass the
> test.

DAVEH:  For what purpose were they tested?  Wouldn't it have been 'better' had the 
Lord just bound Satan forever, and prevented Adam/Eve from being expelled from the 
Garden?  For what reason do Protestants think God would allow the Devil to 
his plans?  Do Protestants see any 'value' in sin or failure to be Godlike?

     Put in another way, if God knew the outcome before he placed Adam/Eve on Earth, 
then why do you think he let the 'fall' unfold as it did?  I assume Protestants do not 
think the 'fall' was planned by God......???   IF he foresaw it, then does it not
seem likely that it was a part of his 'plan'?

> Eve was deceived and Adam chose to go with the woman, so they got
> what they chose and were evicted from His garden.  God does not
> fellowship with devils but in His foreknowledge he knew this was coming
> and had made a way back from before the foundation of the world and the
> way back to fellowship with the Father is in Christ.

DAVEH:  That seems rather convoluted IF he did not intend the 'fall' to be part of 
his/our reason for being here.  Does this not suggest that he wanted Adam/Eve to fall? 
 IF your answer is yes, then my question is 'why' would he want that......?  And IF
he wants us to fall, does that not imply there is a good reason for the 'fall'?   Does 
that make sense, Judy?

> You can see failure in the lives of men who God said were his friend and
> after his own heart.  Abraham had fear which caused him to lie to king
> Abimilech.  God said David was a man after his own heart and yet David
> was guilty of murdering a woman's husband.

DAVEH:  I'm not quite sure I'd agree with your assessment on that one (I believe he 
put him in "harm's way", which is a bit different than murder), but that is a tangent 
we don't have to pursue in this thread.

> God considered Moses his
> friend and Moses was unable to enter the promise land because of anger.
> Judy

Dave Hansen
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