> On the other hand, I believe in street preachers doing whatever the Lord
> (really) called them to do.  That is a whole different ministry.  As they
> have stated, there have been some "snatched out of the fire" by that type
> ministry.  I just think they need to use Godly wisdom; preaching only
> and how the Holy Spirit dictates.  And only God can judge whether they
> in the end.
If one is prayed up-asking God to lead us with the place and give us
utterance-Then we are where we are suppose to be ,saying what we are
suppose to say. I only hope that those you wait yrs to tell don't suddenly
drop dead before you get the desire to warn them-as their blood will be on
you hands (Eze.3:18-20). But I do appreciate the suppose for Street
Preachers Sis.-for us this is rear and few between-Thank you.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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