> DAVEH:  When you use the term "we" Carroll, are you just referring to
those protesters who use those tactics?  Surely you don't think all
Protestants agree with using such methods, do you?

 #Dean writes:
Not all Christians agree that one should open air preach-but Jesus said to
do so.Not all that claim to be Christians are in fact Christians, Dave. I
met a man in a monkey suit in front of the Temple jumping around and
mocking our beliefs-while shouting as a preacher preached-He claimed to be
a Mormon. Do you believe he was?Do you agree with his behavior?

> > disallows one to call themselves Christians-which untill appx. 12 yrs
> > Mormons would not call themselves Christians-
> DAVEH:  Huh???    You've lost me on that one.   What are you talking
about, Carroll?

# Dean writes:
 Check your LDS history-Your usage of the Term "Christian" is recent. We
have letter from a Street Preacher in Salt lake City who came out of
Mormonism and now "swats flies", and preaches in front of the Mormon Temple
full time-and in those letter His Mormon grandmother refuses to be called a
Christians as did all Mormons of that era. Now I believe you are attempting
to take the name from us and call us Protestants. But this is a mistake-to
make that claim and not live up to it-is to put one under more severe
judgement from God. It is like saying come to me and I will teach you the
words of Christ who said there is no hell. The problem is Christ said that
there was a hell. Rev.2:6:
  ..hatest  the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.
 Nicolaitanes were make believe Christians, DaveH, and Jesus Hated them.
> > now you claim to be
> > Christians and you call us prostatants
> DAVEH:  We've always considered ourselves to be Christians.  And......I
use the term "Protestant" when asking specific questions to differentiate
you (and most other TTers) from being lumped together with the RCC folks. 
Are you ashamed/embarrassed to be
> a Protestant?
  # Dave are you Church of Christ? Would you like to be called by this
name?I am of the Wesleyan belief not of the Protestant belief-there is a
difference? Again I think the Mormons are trying to assimilate the name
"Christian" as their own -as a attempt to draw young Christians into a
false non- biblical belief while claiming to hold to that belief-while
doing acts against that same belief. I doubt your use of this term as a way
of Identifying sub-groups of Christianity-I don't feel you are being honest
here Dave.

> > -You must be a modern Mormon ( ie.
> > Liberal Mormon)  :-)
> DAVEH:  LOL........That's a good one, Carroll.

# I thought you would like that Dave :-) Dean will do just fine as my name
-thank you.
> > Do you believe the Bible to be wrong Dave?
> DAVEH:  No.......just your understanding of parts of it.
 But I can back up what I say with the Bible while you must go to another
source-that disclaims the very Bible you claim to hold and believe-and once
pressed you will put the "other source" over the Bible- But still claim
that source as your own-something is wrong here DaveH.

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ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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