Dean Moore writes:
 And where does it place your statement with God- if  in fact - God led the street preachers to dishonor those items that the Heathen hold sacred.
jt: Dean I believe God led Elijah to challenge the prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel and I know that many street preachers like to identify with him. However, I don't believe that humiliating, demeaning, and mocking these people will bring these people to Christ if this is your intent. 
Dean: How then would God view your prayers? How about the others on this list-The Holy Spirit was spoken ill of and you are more concerned about the heathen being offended- I wash my hands of the lot of you-may God have mercy on your souls you will need it as I am definitely offended-. I saw your brothers and sisters across the street in Columbus Ohio with a sign saying "Gays we Christians welcome you" I was appalled then and I am appalled now.
jt: I know nothing about anything going on in Columbus Ohio Dean so don't lump me in with any of that. I don't condone sin but I do believe we are to care about the sinner.  They are already condemned so why heap more of that on them?  Speaking the truth to them is in order but it needs to be done in love.
Dean: For you don't know what you speak-those brothers you hold judgement over are twice the Christians most here will ever be  and you join the Mormons in condemning their actions- You have no respect to those who have the courage to actually fight the war you should be helping to fight. Yes- mock the street preachers but don't offend the Mormon dog who eats at your table. I have no part with you as you have no part with me. Pet and feed your dog well as it will be the only good life he has.
jt: Excuse me? I have not judged the first person so far - and have not mocked anyone either. I don't like many of the tactics used by the street preachers. The 'in your face' approach and some attitudes expressed are not of God.  Why are you not concerned about putting a stumbling block in the way of people Dean?  Should I refuse to have my daughter's friend to our house because he does not know the truth?  What kind of Christianity is that?

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