Dean Moore wrote:

> DAVEH:  Like it is that which is NOT in the Bible that
causes guys like you
> to stumble, Dean.

  %% So what you are saying is if I live by the words of the Bible-which
words are Jesus's- I will  stumble and go to hell DaveH. That is the only
conclusion one can draw from this statement Dave. Which words in my Bible
will cause this effect -Is it too Love the Lord thy God with all thy
might-or is it to Love thy neighbor as myself-or is it too repent of sin? I
would like an answer too this question Dave.

DAVEH:  IMO Dean, you have forgotten what it means to love your neighbor if you think waving your neighbor's underwear in his face as you mock his religious beliefs is Christian charity.
> >    And of course the Mormon Lying Prophets are kind enough to add back
the thing that are taken away-
> DAVEH:  Correct (except for the "Mormon Lying Prophets" bit that you use
in an attempt to incite anger) related in Acts 3:19-22......

    %%No Dave- I  am not trying to anger you-nor am I angry-I am simply
telling you the truth-those words you speak are lies and are in fact
against the Bible-

DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree.  For the most part, that which I post in TT is taken from the Bible.  And I've always tried to give Biblical references as opposed to Latter-day references.
and I am too tell you so as directed by God-and in doing
so if you get angry I cannot help that nor will I coddle your sin.
DAVEH:  I don't quite know what your problem is, Dean.  I believe in the birth, death, resurrection and divinity of Jesus.  By your standards, does that not qualify me for salvation?  What more do I need to do to be saved, according to your understanding of the Bible, Dean????
> "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
out, when the TIMES OF REFRESHING shall come from the presence of the Lord;  And he shall send
Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:  Whom the heaven must receive UNTIL THE
TIMES OF RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets
since the world began."
> .......Dean, I submit to you that our Temples are one of those THINGS
which has been restored as prophesied.
  %% By who's prophecies Dave ? Did Jesus make this prophecy? Are these
Prophecies even in the Bible-if so show me.
DAVEH:  "UNTIL THE TIMES OF RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS......."  It's in the Bible, Dean.  Don't you believe what the Bible says about the "restitution of ALL things"????
 %%  Dave if the power of salvation depended solely on my representation of
myself then I would be God-I am not God so what I represent is his Word-I
preach that Word and the Word does the healing. Now if you can show me
where my words are wrong-by the Bible ( not just some book that some nut
wrote) then I will consider your case.
DAVEH:  OK Dean.  Below you referred to the thief on the cross and implied that he was saved without baptism.  I will use the Bible to explain the error of your understanding of that incident.
I wonder how John the Baptist would
be view by your cult as he ate bugs and wore camel hair clothing and
preached crying aloud.

> DAVEH:  Again.....nonsense.  Jesus said......
> "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth
not shall be damned."
> .......Now let me ask you, Dean.  Do you believe baptism (along with
belief) is necessary for salvation???   That is what Jesus said, and we preach it as so.  Do

 %%Was the thief on the cross baptized Dave-

DAVEH:  No, as far as I know the thief had not yet been baptized.  But I believe that is what the early Christians were doing who were referred to by Paul in 1Cor 15:29......vicariously baptizing those who had not had the chance to do such prior to their death.
Did he go with Jesus too
paradise that Day?
DAVEH:  Yes he did, Dean.  But that does not mean he was saved.  Let me explain by quoting an exchange I had with TerryC in May of this year.  (And what follows applies to recent posts I've received from Judy and a second one from TerryC regarding the same thing.)........

Terry Clifton wrote:

> and the thief on the cross, both of which would seem to punch holes in your argument,

DAVEH:  I've discussed this in TT several times before, Terry.  But it was prior to your joining, so I'll happily discuss it with you too.

> receiving salvation

DAVEH:  You are reading into Scripture what is not there, Terry.  What makes you think the thief was saved?  While no claim of salvation is made by Scripture, many folks make that mistaken assumption based on the comment that Jesus made that he (Jesus) would see him (the thief) in paradise.

    Contrary to popular opinion Terry, paradise is not a part of heaven, but rather a part of the spirit world.  One does not enter heaven until after the judgment, which for most will happen sometime in the future.

    The reason we know the thief did not go directly to heaven is because Jesus told him........

"........Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in
paradise."  (Lk 23:43)

..........Now, where did Jesus go that day (which was Friday)?  We know
it was not heaven, because 2 days later he said to

"......Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father:......"  (Jn

.......So Terry, since Jesus had not yet returned to his Father until
Sunday (after he met Mary), then it follows that he spent the
previous day or so NOT in heaven.  That brings up the question of where
was he?  I have quoted this verse before, but will do so

"For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust,
that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,
but quickened by the Spirit:  By which also he went and preached unto
the spirits in prison; Which sometime were disobedient, when
once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark
was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved
by water."  (1Pet 3:18-20)

.......And, what was he doing there?........

"For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead,
that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but
live according to God in the spirit."  (1Pet 4:6)

........So, it seems reasonable to conclude that paradise is not in
heaven, but a part (with spirit prison) of the spirit world where
Jesus taught the gospel to those who had not yet heard it.  This gives
evidence of several things.....

1.  Spirits exist after death and prior to being resurrected.

2.  The gospel can be taught to those who have previously died.

3.  Those spirits have free agency to accept the gospel.

4.  The reason the gospel is taught in the spirit world, is that the
spirits who have not had the opportunity to hear the gospel while
alive would hear it in the spirit world so that they could be judged as
though they were still in the flesh, but return to heaven.

5.  The spirit world is comprised of a paradise and a spirit prison.

6.  And finally, the thief was not necessarily "saved" merely because Jesus said he would meet him in paradise.

........So Dean, that is what the Bible says.  Why do you understand it differently???

   DAVEH: you suppose they forgot to invite the street
preachers?   <VBG>

 %% I doubt it- We are hard to forget Dave (VBG)

DAVEH:   Thank you for grinning while you said that, Dean!   Maybe you have a sense of humor after all.....!!!   :-)
 My advice is for you not to attempt to judge my emotions by my statements-this would lead
you into making a mistake and could very easily lead you into a trap due to
the fact that you are viewing a screen not my face . Right now I just
winked at you-did you see that :-)
DAVEH: Naw.......I missed your wink, Dean.  You merely smiled.  This is what a wink looks like....     ;-)
Dave Hansen
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