DAVEH:  When you use the term "we" Carroll, are you just referring to
those protesters who use those tactics?  Surely you don't think all
Protestants agree with using such methods, do you?

#Dean writes:
Not all Christians agree that one should open air preach-but Jesus 
said to do so.

jt: Where did Jesus say to do so?

DAVEH:  I think there is a big difference between open air preaching, 
and making fools of oneself while preaching in public.

#Dean: I met a man in a monkey suit in front of the Temple jumping 
around and mocking our beliefs-while shouting as a preacher preached-
He claimed to be a Mormon. Do you believe he was?

DAVEH:  Probably.  

jt: What a circus, the street preachers waving Mormon underwear and 
a Mormon jumping around in a monkey suit. How is God glorified in any
of this?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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