What if the neighbors believe they are already part of the Kingdom
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a
Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about praying
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to hell?
God has not impressed me to do this.
Then as he is cast into Hell he will probably look you in the eye and say something like: Christian, All the times you talked to me, you never told me the truth? Christian, You let me be cast into Hell by your SILENCE. You never TOLD me, CHRISTIAN.
You may even get his blood, required at your hands EZ 3:18. Since you did nothing for him in this life. it is only fitting that God would require your ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in his destruction!
So what has, God impressed you to do for him?
Are you sure it is God that has not impressed you, or do you resist?

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:
Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:
**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have'
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ'
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?
Salvation is present-progressive Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After we've said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is to learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered.... but suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this minute? What if they
haven't completed that ongoing work?
Actually it's God who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.
He knows what we are about and He sees the heart while we observe
the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and LOVE is where
it's at.
He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- Why do I
have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open and the harvest
ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you saying to sit
still and wait?
I'm not telling you to do anything other than obey the Lord. ATST
are you telling me that 'everyone' is to go Dean? that women can't stay
at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable environment because
everyone is commanded to go out into the streets and preach?
Dean writes:
No- not everybody can travel to Africa and preach-but they can
invite their neighbor to come to the kingdom. They can do something
-such as tell what God will exact for the penalty of sin-and the one doesn't
have to go to that awful place-that is true love for your fellow man.
What if the neighbors believe they are already part of the Kingdom
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a
Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about praying
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to hell?
God has not impressed me to do this.
 Do you
think Mary & Martha of Bethany and Jesus' mother Mary went out into
the streets to preach the gospel and get people saved?
Dean wrote:
I believe they told many about Jesus-whether loudly of quitely-they
told. Who brought the first message that He is risen if not these Mary(s)
after visiting the tomb-But I can tell you one thing they certainly didn't do-
They never hindered or even tried to stop one person from preaching
the gospel as you have been trying to do.
Oh! So now the accuser is stepping it up.  First I have no fruit and now I
am hindering or trying to stop someone preaching the gospel.  Who Dean?
 and what if the
light within be darkness and we become a stumbling block to others as
some of the Mormons have been stating. What if we run before we are
sent?  God prepared ppl for a long time before sending them on a
mission for Him.
Dean writes:
I fail to see how preaching Christ and Him crucified could cause
anyone a problem-except those that hate God. To preach this is to
shine light into the world-not darkness that would make one to fall.
1 Peter 2:8
Sometimes Dean the way we do things causes the problem. Not everyone
is impressed by the same things. Paul said he became all things to all
people so that he might win some.
And a stone of stumbling,and a rock of offence,even to them which at the
word,being disobedient,whereunto also they were appointed. Yes I would
agree here as I believe you are not ready to go-maybe you are here now
to get ready?
To go where Dean?  Don't you think if God wanted me to go somewhere
that he is capable of getting my attention?

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