> Dean wrote:
> > Hey Bro. I got an idea -lets' keep going the way 
> > we are and its' bound to happen again-and wala-
> > problem solved. And I promise not to weaken it down 
> > one bit. (VBG)
> I don't favor repeating mistakes or bad experiences.  As I said before,
> if you feel the urge to set me or anyone else straight, and you can't do
> it by attacking what is said but feel you must personally attack the
> person, then contact them off this forum.  Don't drag everyone else into
> the personal attack.  I still think you would do better to address the
> issues and not get personal, but if you must do it because God has told
> you to do it, what is wrong with doing it off this forum?

  *Well so much for joking to lighten the mood- now back to the debate.

> Think of it this way.  If God told you to march into the Mormon Temple
> and yell out a rebuke, you know that you will be removed by authorities
> and probably put in jail.  So if you obey God in that, you should feel
> good about the known consequences of going to jail.  In other words, you
> should not fault the Mormons or the police for putting you in jail when
> you know the rules ahead of time and you choose to disobey them.  In the
> same way, if you know the rules here and you break them and won't stop
> after being reproved, you will be removed from this forum. 

* Fair enough anytime that you wish me to leave just nod and I gone-as I
will not stay where I am not welcome or invited.

 You should
> be happy about that, not faulting those who have established the rules.
> By the way, I continue to invite your discussion about the rule.  If it
> is an unjust rule, make your case.  I think the rule facilitates good
> discussion and that continues to be my position.

  *As stated earlier-I have no problem with this rule-as there is another
avenue to rebuke if required.
> I once was driving to downtown to preach and I knew that the police were
> going to arrest me that day.  I prayed about it and knew it would
> happen.  When the police put the handcuffs on me, I did not fault them,
> nor did I resist.  I submitted unto them as unto the Lord.  It was
> nothing personal.  They were in the wrong to arrest me in this
> particular situation and I knew it, but they didn't know they were
> wrong.  They arrested me in ignorance, and the courts set them straight
> later.  I pray that you have the same attitude when you feel put in the
> position of having to break a rule.

* If I am lead to break you rule-I will be prepared for the congruences.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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