DaveH said:   It kinda saddens me to think that even though my primary purpose to be on TT is to find out about the beliefs of Protestants, many TTers now do not want to discuss such with me, and those who do merely want to bury me with anti-Mormon arguments.  I do
appreciate you (DavidM, Judy and other willing TTers) taking the time to answer my questions though. 
Perry responds:
   As I have posted before on this forum, and as you have demonstrated many times, your stated intention of "learning what protestants believe" is not your true intention. In the many years that you have been on TT, and asked many newcomers with the same old questions, you have failed to learn what protestants believe. Either you are incapable of learning it, or you do not want to know what protestants think, and I believe it is the latter. It did not take Dean or Kevin very long to figure this out. It took me about six months. Izzy has your number, too.
   It is absolutely no surprise that many TT'rs do not want to discuss it with you. You are not genuine. When someone asks, we Christians LOVE answering questions, but it is frustrating for any teacher to have unteachable students who are in the class to rebut the teachings instead of learn them.
  As for the real reason you are here? I believe you have doubts about your own LDS faith, and are either here to a) bolster your confidence in your own faith in Mormonism by debunking protestant beliefs, thus verifying that your religion is the "right" one, or you are reaching out for truth, and the right one to reach you has not yet come along on TT yet.
   David, I know you have difficulty with some of the things you read on TT about Mormonism, things that are not all pretty and soft like you were taught, that you have a hard time resolving. David, you must by now have learned that JS was a huckster and a false prophet, and a philanderer. The LDS history is wrought with lies, deceptions, frauds, murders, and "secret" ceremonies of cultic origin. Be brave, David, and place your confidence in God and come out of that system into the loving arms of Jesus. It seems impossible to you now to do that, especially  since you were raised in that system, and your entire culture is based in that lie, but it IS possible, as all things are possible with God. You will survive.

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