Hi Perry, your post went to an attachment again when I tried to reply.   
I can't even copy, then paste it on this.  Any idea why this is

At any rate, you made a comment to the effect that Milton Hunter had said
the Hermatic Pagan religion was similar to both the doctrines of Jesus
and JS, and then something about required reading.  

I am not certain what that was about, as you said I probably had not read
it--which I have not.

I have noticed that some church apostles and etc have made similar
comparisons with a number of religions--usually what they are driving at
is this:   LDS doctrine is that the true gospel was understood by the
ancients, but over time became corrupted.  As a consequence, what is left
in those religions that is true often parallels  the truth as it has been
revealed in these latter days.   I imagine Paganism is no
different--although I am not an expert on Paganism.  I do know somewhat,
that Pagans worshipped the sun, and nature, and stars, etc.  I know none
of these things are found in the LDS church.  We of course believe in the
sun being comparable to the highest degree of glory, symbolically only
however, and the next highest being comparable to the moon, and the
lowest being comparable to the stars, but that is the only relationship I
know if.  
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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