From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spirit of God inspired the apostle Paul to write that we are only to judge
ourselves and those within the body of Christ or Church 
Only to judge ourselves & those inside the church
Where did you get those limits on your judgement?
My BIBLE says 1 Co 2:15 "But he that is spiritual judgeth ALL things"
As DavidM has been trying to communicate there is a difference between
judging people and judging doctrine/ideas.  Sure those who are spiritual
are qualified to judge ALL things and you can know where a person is at.
Discipline should be a priority in the Church but scripture does not give carte
blanche permission to Christians to judge all people - those outside the
Church are God's responsibility - We are to speak the Truth to them in
love as God gives the opportunity and leave the results with Him, He
deals with them.

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Man this MORMON Doctrine is WHACKY!
Dean writes 12/21:
Don't wish them God speed or good luck or happy new year....etc.
Wait a minute did I say that or did St. Paul; say that,or was it Paul
only-or did the spirit of God say that?
Actually it was the apostle John (the beloved) who said it under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit - but in balance and in context, he was
speaking of teachers who travelled within the known Church of that
day and whose doctrine was a mess so they were false teachers.
Since TPW (Arsene Lupin) is a self confessed pagan he does not
qualify as a "false Christian teacher" - and the very same Spirit of
God inspired the apostle Paul to write that we are only to judge
ourselves and those within the body of Christ or Church - God
judges those outside the Church.  Worldly people, witches, & 
Grace and Peace,

Arsene Lupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just zipping by to say happy Holidays and share a bit of my faith to you
guys. I wish you the best in the new year that comes!!


YULE (O.N. Jsl)
The Reason for the Season!

Yule begins on Mother Night, (about Dec. 20) the night before the shortest
day and the longest night (winter solstices). We honor the beginning of the
Sun's return and the breaking of Winter, (which is most noticeable in five
days) and is celebrated over a twelve day period. We know there will be no
Fimbulwinter which proceeds Ragnarok.

It is a time of the year when our deceased Ancestors are closest to us; this
is when the dead (draugar) are more active than any other time. Yule is when
Jslnir another name for Odinn leads the procession of the Wild Hunt through
the sky's with sprits of humans, horses and dogs. This procession occurs
during all twelve days of Yule.

It is a tim e for great feasting, honoring Thorr for driving back the frost
jotuns, Frey to give us prosperity in the coming year, Odinn as leader of
the Wild Hunt, and of course our Ancestors. Jslablst, have a Yule party with
family and kindred. Decorate a tree with sunwheels and light a Yule Log.

The Yule Tree is the symbol of our cosmology; its the Great tree
>From the Voluspa;

"Yggdrasil its name.
With water white is the Great Tree wet;
Thence come the dews that fall in the dales.
Green by Urths well does it ever grow."

And so the evergreen tree is the most appropriate, to remind us of the
eternity of Yggdrasil, as it last through out winters Ever Green.

The burning of a Yule Log is an ancient ritual; our ancestors
kindled a huge oak log in honor of Thorr. Today we burn a smaller log during
the Yule Season. When lighting the new Yule Log it should be with the
charred remains of the previous year's log, which is, keep to guard the
house against li ghtning and fire.

Twelfth Night (about Jan. 1) culminates the traditional twelve days
of Yule. Our Ancestors at this time consecrated a boar to Frey, led it out
so everyone present could lay their hand on the boar and swear a solemn
Oath. This was to honor Frey for prosperity. Oaths sworn on the Oath-Boar
are very binding during this time, than any other time of the year. Make a
New Year's resolution in the old way by swearing your oath on Frey's boar or
on your hammer.

The Yule is no exception when it comes to christian plagiarism of
other cultures Holidays. There is no doubt that the Yule Tree, Yule Log, the
Singing and exchanging of Gifts are from our Northern Culture.

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