Dean wrote:
> If I have done wrong I will accept your rebuke 
> David- but I have also done some highlighting 
> of you words- If I am to be rebuked so are you.

I thought I had mentioned this in my post but perhaps I forgot to add
it.  My post bringing correction to you was personally directed to you
because it was a correction.  I generally do not post in this fashion
and will not keep posting in this fashion to you.  I was hoping you
would get it right off, but apparently not.  So, let's take this off
list and correspond privately if you want to understand the TruthTalk
rule better.  I'm going to address one other thing you said here since
others may need to hear it.

Dean wrote:
> So if I attack  someone and refer to them as being 
> in a group that is ok ? If I say the Mormons on 
> TT are stupid that is acceptable? You tell Judy 
> to stop attacking the street preachers then I will 
> be willing to talk to Judy with respect- and we 
> can start afresh with no attacks from either of 
> us.

No, it is not ok to say that the Mormons on TT are stupid.  Judy never
called the street preachers stupid.  She questioned some of what the
street preachers did.  She raised the question of whether it was
possible that you are responding in the flesh.  You may in a similar
vein address Mormons if you like, but stick with addressing it in the
same manner that Judy did the street preachers, with scriptures and
reasons that deserve a response.  As it is, you have not answered her
questions any better than the Mormons have answered Kevin's questions.
Instead, you have responded by cutting her off and consigning her to
hell.  I know you claim not to do that, but as you have said, she is
either of God or of Satan, and if you are of God and she is not your
sister, then that would mean she was heading to hell.

As far as I'm concerned, you have proven Judy's case for her.  We can
talk about it off list if you like and let the list know the outcome.
We must take this off list or the posts will be I, I, I, and YOU, YOU,
YOU from both of us, and everybody will get bored.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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