> Judy wrote:
> > To tell the truth I don't know what they do out there 
> > but if it is anything like their ministry to the Mormons 
> > on TT, then I would say Amen... because I hear a lot of 
> > pride in what they say, us vs them attitudes, defensiveness 
> > and accusation.  The one thing I do not hear is caring 
> > and/or love. How do you expect to communicate anything 
> > to anyone like this?

 I totally disagree with you statement here Judy-When I first came on this
site I treated you as a full sister-with much love and how was that love
returned?You attacked me and the street preachers to agree with the
Mormons-you attacked the brethren to agree with false prophets.And have
continued to do so when we showed you scripture to support what we do-Yet
you will not accept that scripture. You claimed that I was wrong (as did
David) to declare DaveH spoke against the Holy Spirit to which I proved
with scripture that he in fact did that. You wish to be called a sister yet
every word we speak you attempt to tear apart. You continue to insist that
the S.Preachers should be out preaching. I don't see anyone lead by the
Holy Spirit doing this. You have shout love! Love! and when I show love to
Ruben you find fault in that also. We show love by pointing out sin and
it's long term effects We show love by telling them Of Jesus Christ and him
crucified-not just sitting across from them at the dinner table smiling-
Tell me did you tell the Mormon at you dinner about the hell they are
headed to-did you love them enough to even try and help them?Thus far the
only smiling love I have seen you show was to false prophets Mormons and by
doing so you are breaking the 11th commandment (A new commandment I give
unto you that ye love the brethren)-and will not repent. You continue to
nash at us with your teeth so we are withdrawing from you which is putting
you farther into the Mormon camp-whom are sweet talking you to get you to
come closer as you can also burn in a devils hell with them. Tell me if you
are fair with you love to the lost then where is that love demonstrated
towards TPW? Both Ruben and I have shown more caring for him then you
have-maybe if he converts to Mormonism he will be invited to dinner also.
There isn't one street preacher on this list who wasn't first attacked by
you. You have /are forcing then to defend themselves and are finding out
they can do so-so you go and complain to David that we are mean to you. I
was once asked if you are of Jesus Christ to which I said I don't know
-well now I do know-you are no sister of mine. David can declare you as"
strong"-"very intelligent"-"a Christian" and all that does is lower my
respect for him.My Bible says that if someone is of God then I will know
them by their fruit-there will be a visible fruit to be seen-or even told
of- not just a claim of being a waterer-one of God cannot help but to bear
fruit- we are telling you how to bear fruit and all we get back from you is
"love.love","stop preaching". 1 John 2:19..But they went out, that they
might be manifest that they are not of us.

I would also like to remind DavidM that appx 99 % of the brethren show
great love for each other-You aren't around us enough to even know what we
share. The only problems I see is there are some who want to be leaders -so
they go out to steal sheep and to do so they cause problems to get those
sheep-but even then they are few. Many of us come from different
denominations yet out on the street we are one and bond as one in the
common fight-we also debate those different issues in private-with respect-
but we recognize each other as part of the body and if you will notice on
this site we are one here also-but you seem to be only with us in part. Our
shared brotherhood extends to all I have preached with -I could go and
invite many others here and you would see that same bond. To which I assure
you not one Preacher other then you David would ever bond with a Mormon.So
I would appreciate it if you would stop putting the brethren down-the world
does this often enough we don't need it from you. There is a "us and them"
relationship present in God word and we are told to not be one with the
world. 1 John2:19..that they might be made manifest that they are not of us.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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