From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:
David-Judy also made the same type of reference towards TPW 
and Ruben. She said that TPW had a demon and that Ruben should 
cast it out and remarked thet birds of a feather flock together. 

You certainly don't take correction well do you Dean even though
DavidM is IMO a good moderater and we have a lot of freedom here?
Why would it surprise you for a person who calls himself The Pagan
Wolf, does everything in secret, and protects himself by way of the
Martial Arts to have a demon?  Would you expect him to have the Holy 
Spirit?  Who is the one who blinds the minds of the whole world and
operates in secrecy?  Whose name is the Lord of Death & Darkness.

Yes I did suggest that Ruben cast out the unbelieving spirit out of him
to help him come to the Light rather than use these demonic skills to 
watch his back because I believe and have said more than once that 
the works of Jesus following the Words of Jesus would do so much 
more for His Kingdom than the circus like displays in the public arena.
You would stir up lots of envy like that ....

If Ruben or TPW have a demon wouldn't they also be consigned to hell. 

Not necessarily; a lot of ppl have trouble with demons including
genuine believers.  It is wrong to judge ppl and consign them to hell
before the time for any reason because so long as there is life there is 
hope and you don't know who you are talking to when you get out there 
in public. Even the demons themselves do not want to be judged 'before 
the time'. Why not do like Paul and teach people about "Righteousness, 
Self-Control, and the Judgment to Come?

The" I" and" you" words were also used by her many times-I don't 
believe you are being fair in this matter.I am resending the post of 
Judy make the same type of statements I have made. It is retitled 
"Judy's double standards 1".

Then the new Subject Line is still a finger pointer Dean?  Are you 
completely exonerated now?  Why isn't the title "Dean and Judy's double 
standards 1" if you want to share.

Grace and Peace,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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