Jn 12:48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [Original Message]
> Date: 1/2/2004 7:49:51 AM
> Subject: [TruthTalk] False teachers.
> From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I get frustrated so easily when I come face-to-face with their
> blindness. It is like watching your brother ride full gallop toward
> a bluff, and as you yell to him to stop he yells back, "There's no
> bluff here! I know this trail like the back of my hand!" Wally Tope
> put it this way, it is like throwing a drowning man a life preserver,
> and he throws it back saying "Stop persecuting me"
> Dean writes: Except here we have others also telling us to stop
> persecuting the Mormons and telling them we are doing wrong
> to toss the preserver in the first place-oops there he goes down
> again !:-)
> Judy:
> It's a delusion Dean to think you are the answer to everyone's
> problems. Because God is "just" everyone will have their hour of
> visitation and some will reject the Lord. If Jesus Himself (in the
> flesh) was rejected and wept over Jerusalem - what makes you
> believe that your ministry should reap greater results? Is the
> servant greater than his Lord?

Dean writes:
But Judy-who did the rejecting of His words? If was the evil one whom did
this. Where does that place those that reject those that preach his same
words? I don't have the answers Jesus does-I only speak his words,
> You need to stop bearing 'false witness' on the TT list. Noone
> here has told you not to toss out life preservers. Persecuting
> Mormons is a big waste of time but if you insist, then you alone
> will stand before God and answer to Him for the way you behaved
> in His Name... what a shame it would be to be told that your
> antics hardened them against the Truth.

Dean writes:
Those that God has prepared to receive truth will accept that truth-I offer
truth to both them and those whom don't agree with me of the female
persuasion on this list- that are speaking to me now-who used the words
above-which may or may not be you. You may or may not call that false
wittiness that is you choice.
> Judy

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