> From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Charles Perry Locke wrote:
> DavidH,
> I am aftraid I can't buy your presentation of 2 Sam 12:7-8 as
> a prooftext that God commanded polygamy.
> DAVEH:  Of course you can't buy it, Perry.......It would make
> your beliefs pretty suspect.  So when the Bible say's something
> that is a bit difficult to swallow, you have to rationalize it to a
> point where it no longer means what it implies.  Read it again
> and ask yourself how many wives David had and where/how
> did he get them along with the kingdom.....
> Judy:
> How did David get to be the standard for marriage?  Yes he
> took more than one wife but this was not God's will or choice
> Deuteronomy 17:14-20 tells us what God's will in the matter
> is, but Israel did not always do God's will - neither did David.

DAVEH:  I think you have misunderstood those passages, Judy.  IF they mean what you 
imply, then doesn't 1Kg 12:38 seem a contradiction?  If the Lord was unhappy with 
David's polygamous lifestyle, one would think he would have rebuked him for it instead 
exalting him as he did.  For all his wives, the only rebuke David received from the 
Lord was relative (hmmmm....an unintentional pun, eh!) to Bathsheba.

> Grace and Peace,
> Judy

Dave Hansen
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