Hi Dave:
I find it interesting that your nephew is stuck on the same question
as you
DAVEH:    I think most LDS folks are curious to know how Protestants
understand God's creation of Lucifer, the tree of knowledge of good and
evil and the relationship they have with the plan of salvation.  From our
perspective, those things are very important to our eternal progression
From what I am hearing from TTers, it seems most Protestants believe
Adam's fall was an unfortunate incident that has caused a lot of grief for
everybody.  That is diametrically opposite of my belief.
In all the years I've been around believers I've never heard anyone
agonizing over the fall. I accept it as having taken place before I was
born. I can't do much about them but God has made a way for me to
do something about me and since Jesus is the lamb slain before the
foundation of the world, God took care of things before they happened.
What do you mean by "eternal progression" and what does the _expression_
"tracted into" mean?
DAVEH:  Tracting is our _expression_ for knocking on doors cold turkey style.
Judy: Thanks - I've learned a new _expression_.  Actually The apathy does
not surprise me; nor does the confusion concerning "truth" because there
is massive Bible illiteracy out there even among those in leadership positions
in nominal Churches. Have you seen any Barna polls on this?
DAVEH:  No.  But I can give you a personal example.  I was tracting in a
new area and met a lady who brushed us off with saying that she attended
the church just down the street a block or so.  Being new in the area, I was
curious as to which church she belonged to, and asked her what religion it
was.  Her reply was, "I forgot."  Hmmmm......I think that qualifies as an
example of apathy, eh!
She may have been lying to you. Some people are probably uncomfortable
or distracted and don't want to take the time to think about these things.
Just about everyone in the US or more than 80% according to some polls
will tell you they are Christian. How is your nephew so certain he is not
being led by the blind?  If he is being led by anyone other than the voice
of the Chief Shepherd, then he is being led by the blind.
DAVEH:  I'll let Jeff speak for himself when he returns this summer, as
I suspect he will join TT again and you can ask him personally.
Has he been born again by the Spirit of God and is he a follower of the
resurrected Christ?  One who walks after the Spirit daily or is he just
another follower of Joseph Smith and his BofM?
You don't have to answer the above ... because if that were true he
would not be a Mormon missionary who is out there tracting.

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