Dean Moore wrote:

> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Dave:
> > > I find it interesting that your nephew is stuck on the same question
> > > as you
>  Dean writes:
>  When Jeff was here before and trapped into a corner Daveh would jump in
> and steal the words away from his own nephew

DAVEH:  ROTFLOL......You do have an active imagination, Dean!   :-)

> -thereby helping him out by
> corrupting truth-now this young man is in New Orleans using what he learned
> here to trap other street preachers with difficult questions

DAVEH:  Awwwwwwww Dean.......I think you are imagining monsters again.....   <VBG>

> -The fruit of
> TT? I wonder when Jeff is judged by God for his works and cast into the
> lake of fire-How will Daveh feel then? Will he jump in and try to save Jeff
> on that day-or will he be seeking a place to hide form the one who seats on
> the thrown for corrupting His clear words?
> ----

Dave Hansen
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