Dean Moore
Fear God and keep His commandments/ trust Jesus

> [Original Message]
> From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 1/25/2004 4:06:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of My Nephew Jeff
> > Hi Dave:
> > I find it interesting that your nephew is stuck on the same question
> > as you
 Dean writes:
 When Jeff was here before and trapped into a corner Daveh would jump in
and steal the words away from his own nephew-thereby helping him out by
corrupting truth-now this young man is in New Orleans using what he learned
here to trap other street preachers with difficult questions-The fruit of
TT? I wonder when Jeff is judged by God for his works and cast into the
lake of fire-How will Daveh feel then? Will he jump in and try to save Jeff
on that day-or will he be seeking a place to hide form the one who seats on
the thrown for corrupting His clear words?
> DAVEH:    I think most LDS folks are curious to know how Protestants
understand God's creation of Lucifer, the tree of knowledge of good and
evil and the relationship they have with the plan of salvation.  From our
perspective, those things are very
> important to our eternal progression.  From what I am hearing from TTers,
it seems most Protestants believe Adam's fall was an unfortunate incident
that has caused a lot of grief for everybody.  That is diametrically
opposite of my belief.
> > and what does the expression "tracted into" mean?
> DAVEH:  Tracting is our expression for knocking on doors cold turkey
> > The apathy does not surprise me; nor does the confusion concerning
> > "truth" because there is massive Bible illiteracy out there even among
> > those in leadership positions in nominal Churches. Have you seen any
> > Barna polls on this?
> DAVEH:  No.  But I can give you a personal example.  I was tracting in a
new area and met a lady who brushed us off with saying that she attended
the church just down the street a block or so.  Being new in the area, I
was curious as to which church she
> belonged to, and asked her what religion it was.  Her reply was, "I
forgot."  Hmmmm......I think that qualifies as an example of apathy, eh!
 Dean writes:
 And brethren what does a false prophet do?
> > How is your nephew so certain he is not being led by the blind?
> DAVEH:  I'll let Jeff speak for himself when he returns this summer, as I
suspect he will join TT again and you can ask him personally.
> > Has
> > he been born again by the Spirit of God and is he a follower of the
> > resurrected Christ?  One who walks after the Spirit daily or is he just
> > another follower of Joseph Smith and his BofM?
> >
> > How sad and what a shame that Christians are so lethargic.
> >
> > Grace and Peace,
> > Judy
> >
> > From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > DAVEH:  Note to some of the old TTers........Jeff has been gone from TT
> > some 20 months now, but he still refers to TT in some of his posts to
> > his Mom (who transcribes them for email distribution).  Here is an
> > excerpt from his latest letter home that I thought some of you might
> > find interesting........

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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