Well folks I went to the movie and saw parts of it; it was much more
disturbing than I had anticipated so I averted my eyes from a lot of it as
did one of our daughters.  It was violence from start to finish, the soundtrack
one of punching, slapping, and whipping and the atmosphere decidedly RC.
The costuming reminded me of a monastery - either black or monk like brown.
I had hoped that with all the expert help it would be more like a living Bible
Dictionary with history and authentic lifestyle portrayed, preparing for the
Passover etc.  but this wasn't the focus. More and longer flashbacks would
have helped considerably.  My husband thought so too.
As for accuracy, the scripture was wrested from the start when only the
first part of Isa 53:5  showed on the screen: "He was wounded for our
transgressions he was bruised for our iniquity" after which the flesh fest
was on and an important point lost which is that the crucifixion was not only
a physical sacrifice; he was a guilt/sin offering.  Isa 53:10 says that God
made his SOUL an offering for sin.  This is how "the chastisement of our
peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed" 
I found it difficult to believe the Roman soldiers could have acted in the
way they were portrayed which was totally chaotic and out of order, drinking
on the job, laughing, and whipping him all the way up this steep hill to Golgotha
with him bloody, staggering, and constantly falling; it was plainly sadistic and
must have been part of the mystic nuns vision because Rome would never 
have conquered most of the known world acting like this, surely there were 
some protocols - They completely left out the one Roman soldier at the foot
of the cross who said "Surely this is the son of God"
The screening we attended was put on by an Assembly of God Church
who were using it for evangelism. They had pkts of kleenex on every seat
and they gave out pens and response cards, they wanted reactions. IMO
Mel Gibson should have left well enough alone and so should the Church
leaders... because this portrays a whole religious scenario that is another 
reality. Noone in our generation was present and IMO the visions of the
mystic nuns are from another spirit; they have Mary saying "This is flesh
of my flesh" and Jesus calling himself the "Son of the handmaiden". Why 
not let it be finished.  We no longer know Jesus after the flesh.  Last I
heard the movie had already made $200,000.00 - so Mr. Gibson
has his reward.
Let God be God and every man a liar....
Grace and Peace,

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