Wm. Taylor wrote:

Terry wrote, "We are not saved by being inerrant. We are saved by faith."

I say, at the risk of alienating myself from the friends I have, I would
like weigh in on this one. Maybe it is not our faith that saves us - but
Christ in whom we have faith. It was the object of our faith who lived,
died, rose again, and ascended to sit next to his Father. We are in him now,
as he mediates and sanctifies our poofahs.

First I will agree, then I will explain. Jesus said "I am the alpha and the omega". That means that He is the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Every book in the Bible points to Jesus. It is Jesus, cover to cover, front to back, beginning to end. If there is no Jesus, there is no one to place your faith in, no reason to expect salvation. If there is no Jesus, there is no God, no Savior.

Having said all that, Jesus Himself said."Your FAITH has saved you" (Luke 7:50 ). I don't think I will argue with Him. If He says faith saves, then faith saves.
Terry :-)

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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