From: "Jensen, John T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The most interesting question to me is how you, as a Protestant, know:
-    what is Scripture (i.e. which writings are Scripture and which not)
-    why it is Scripture (i.e. why those writings have authority - are
     something that you will be "judged by" in your words)
Greetings John:  Scripture?  Jesus called Moses and the Prophets
scripture; he also said that we would be judged by the words He spoke
and these are recorded in the four gospels.  I hope you are not going
to make the claim that we would not have a Bible apart from the rcc.
and make the claim that the church came before the scriptures. 
[jj] Let's slow down just a bit.  Talk about the first question first. 
Which writings are Scripture?  Which are not?  Why is this so? 
jt: The writings of Moses and the Prophets are scripture, Jesus
said so. And the writings of the apostles are scripture.
[jj] You have spoken of Jesus' words in the Gospels.  Granting that
we all start from God first, Jesus as His Son, then that makes His words
authoritative for us.  It is a long way from there to the whole New Testament,
not to mention the question which books of the OT are in fact authoritative.
[jj] So...
jt: Do you question them John?  Which ones don't you believe?
[jj] Is Tobit Scripture?  If not, why not?  Remember, Jesus does
not quote from each OT book, and in any case it seems to me a long
jump from the fact that He quoted from the OT to the assumption that
they are Scripture.
jt: You really think Jesus would be quoting from heretical material?
[jj] Is James Scripture?  Luther didn't think so.  It said that we
are not saved by faith alone.  If you think James is Scripture, why
do you think so?
jt: James actually handled the Word of Truth, Luther was deceived for
a large part of his life. I wouldn't throw out James epistle because of
Luther. Would you John?
[jj] Is the Shepherd of Hermas Scripture?  Much of the early church
thought so, until the 'RCC' said it wasn't.  If you don't think so, why not?
jt: I've never read the Shepherd of Hermas so I can not really 
comment. Which years are you speaking of when you say "early

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

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